Welcome to Freedom Post

Commentaries available in the newsletter and in commentary archives.
Welcome to our news feed called Freedom Post, formerly News N Blues. In this news feed, we offer our readers a closer look at the freedoms we as Canadians and Americans are losing because of our governments.
The governments are totally disregarding the laws and constitution of our land. We plan to offer the truth in the Post each week and welcome any information our readers can offer us, which we can incorporate into the Post.
Commentaries, written from a different perspective, will be published as given by the Voice of the Kingfisher, through Elinor Montgomery, based on a Biblical prophetic perspective.
Welcome to our free press and the news the mainstream media refuses to report. We plan to give you news from around the world and locally from various different sources.
Our purpose is to keep you informed when political action is necessary, as we transition to Freedom Post from the Blues!
Welcome to our readership of the Freedom Post!
Yvonne Adams
Editor, Freedom Post