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The One World Order vs. the New World Order

Voice of the Kingfisher speaks out  …from a different perspective

                                                          by Elinor Montgomery

The One World Order vs. the New World Order

May 11, 2009

Let us not confuse the presently forming One World Order with the New World Order to follow it. There is nothing new about the One World Order, which Kissinger envisions and Obama promotes. It has its origin in the Garden of Eden, with Satan’s deception and man’s gullibility in accepting a lie from Satan when he would not accept the truth of God.

Satan’s desire was always to be worshiped like the Most High God. This was the darkness that lurked on the face of the deep at Creation. It was the rebellion of Lucifer who had once been a leader among angels in the heavenlies, only to be cast out from the light to be at the center of the spirit of darkness, which means the absence of light.

Light is as a devouring fire. Were the sun to come too close to the earth, the earth would be burned up and devoured. The sun speaks of the holiness of God, leaving black holes in the universe wherever His light travels. The light is truth and science is subject to truth – truth is not subject to science. It is God Who is in charge of the light, the source of which is as a consuming fire.

The light and darkness of this world and the light and darkness of the heavens are witnesses to God and His power. Man, in his state of rebellion to God, thinks he is in control, but he is not. Al Gore, his ilk and his ridiculous theories are so far from the truth that they reflect nothing more than the rebellion of man to God, which is pulling the world ever closer to the One World Order.

So, what is the One World Order, and what is its foundation? It is founded upon the lies of Satan, who was given permission by man to set up his government in the Garden, as the destroyer of God’s plan for government, which had placed man under His authority. God gave man free will to choose between light and darkness in a paradise on earth where he had known only that which was good and of God. Creation was the beginning of a plan for a new heaven and a new earth, which would be cleansed of the darkness that Lucifer, or Satan, had brought into the old.

From the moment sin was discovered, that which had been united under God’s rule was separated from His holiness, by the deception of Satan. He masqueraded as light thereby able to deceive the woman into believing that mankind could be like the Most High God, creating the old age thinking that exists behind today’s new age thinking. His deception led to man’s rebellion and separation from God, at which point the life-giving Spirit of God departed from man.

Satan’s system of government became the only system as a One World Order, replacing the government of God, the intended form or order from the beginning. Life had given way to death, so that mankind and the fruit of his union were now separated from God’s rule to become victims of the death culture, which is behind the One World Order of this world.

God departed from the presence of man to leave him to his choices and to leave Satan as the supreme ruler over man. He could never love as God loves; in fact, he would have but one desire, which is to destroy man by death. Future generations would know only what it means to be born into a death culture were it not for the mercy of God toward men and His love, which extends His grace to them.

God provided a way back to His rule on earth one more time. It extended from the closure on the east side of the Garden, which separated man from the tree of life all the way down through history to the birth of Jesus. His life and death on the cross changed everything, forever. He is the way back, re-opening the door to God’s kingdom on earth, which had been lost, lost in the mist on the horizon. What had originally been the first government plan of God will become the New World Order of the future at the second coming of Christ.

However, rebellion would have to run its full course of six millennia – a thousand years of suffering under Satan’s regime for every day that God labored to bring forth His creation in eternal life, rejected by man for the culture of death. Six days brings us to the seventh day of rest. At the end of six millennia, we will see the return of Jesus to chain Satan and his wickedness, which he has spread throughout the world with religion, the belief systems compromising and denying the truth.

God will allow the One World Order of religion to grow and grow until it fills the entire world in unity of nations (United Nations), unity of religion (United Religion), unity of government (One World Order), and unity of the economic system (one common currency). With this unity Satan requires man to take his mark, the mark of the beast whose number is 666, the number of man in a trinitarian mockery of God.

This is the culmination of world-empire building, which began with the division of men into nations at Babel after the flood of Noah’s day, when men began to replenish the earth. The break-up by God of their religious unity in the tower building of Babel stalled Satan’s plans and opened the door for God to begin the re-establishment of His throne on earth. He divided men’s tongues, with each division developing its own culture within nations.

Israel was the one nation among nations, chosen and established by God to come under His rule. What a privilege, although it also had the potential for becoming a curse! This nation would be judged more severely than the other nations if she were to reject God’s second opportunity for life, given as an act of mercy by Him. She would have to be faithful and obedient only to Him, worshiping no religious idols in His place to receive the blessing. She would have to overcome the religious culture of death. However, God does not break covenant, although Israel did, and in His mercy she had the same opportunity to come to the foot of the cross for salvation as had the other nations of the world.

The nation Israel, being under a curse, would have to give way to the spiritual nation of the apostolic church, the doors of which opened to all peoples of all nations who would choose to pass through the cross as believers. They would have to choose in the same manner as the thief chose, who hung on a cross beside Jesus. He moved into eternal life as he accepted Jesus as the only Way to the kingdom within the spiritual house of Israel.

God eventually would lead His people out of the growing fullness of Satan’s ruling empires of the Babylonian system, to the new world of America. The West became the home of spiritual Israel where truth and not religion, ruled, with God’s Law, as opposed to Satan’s religion, ruling supreme. This was the beginning of the formation of a New World Order starting to take shape as the forerunner and prophetic picture for the coming of the Lord’s kingdom on earth. His glory was seen in the West by the entire world but few are they who understand that, in point of fact, the coming New World Order is not new at all. It is the same old government, which ruled in the Garden at the time of Creation, when everything God created was good, and there was no night, only daytime.

The true church will understand that her departure or exodus from the religious system finds its pattern in the exodus of the nation from Egypt. The control of religious leaders over the true church, making them slaves of the religious system, has to be broken by the spiritual Israelites eating only the flesh of the lamb (the truth) roasted in fire (the purifying process), before her spiritual passover to the kingdom (see Exodus, chapter 12).

Every world empire had a religious ruler instead of God, ruling over it, beginning with Egypt, continuing with Assyria, and finishing with the Babylonian System of which the Babylonian empire was the first of four more world empires to follow. They included the Medo-Persian Empire, the Greek Empire and finally, the Roman Empire, which is divided into two parts, the first Roman Empire and the latter days Revived Roman Empire. They were held together by religious Romanism, a powerful religious, political and economic force, which took the apostolic church of Jesus captive throughout the centuries of the church age in what is called the religion of Christianity.

Romanism was the glue, which kept the two branches of the Roman Empire bonded together over the centuries. The true church has been fairly dormant and protected as the remnant of spiritual Israel, growing within the world system. She rides side by side with the gentiles reaching their point of fullness when the desire of Satan for his One World Order becomes a reality.

As long as God’s people remained separate and under God’s Law and the truth of His Word in the West, there would still be one nation for Satan to overcome. In her purity, free of religious idolatry, Satan will not be able to overcome the bride of the church, who will stand apart from religion and on truth only. Israel, in point of fact, was overcome by him long ago, and disbursed, even divorced by God. This is why the East has such hatred for the West; for Satan, the ruler over eastern religions, knows that the homeland of the true Jew is America. In their religious blindness, eastern religions have not yet fully grasped the understanding of this fact.

Hence, today, we have the liberalism of the Garden coming to its fullness under Satan’s conniving group of world leaders bent on the final annihilation of the West – the final victory needed by Satan to achieve his goal.  This is no conspiracy theory; these are the hard, cold facts. However, it cannot happen until Jesus restores His true church of spiritual Israel, bringing her out of all religious systems to make her exodus on the foundation of truth ready to match her sword of truth with the swords of the One World Order of empire-builders.

The bride will be the Davidic voice for today, which, in its diminutive state, will challenge the giant of them all – the Antichrist of the One World Order. This is a woman, destined for the throne, who has the last voice to speak for God before God removes His true church from this world in liberty and victory, along with those who have ears to hear. This is the woman of Revelation (a pure spiritual Israel) birthing the child acceptable to God as the good fruit of His marriage bed with man, the fruit of which became polluted in the Garden. She is the final voice and prophet before the judgment falls and she goes to her death testifying to the truth like her beloved Jesus before her, only to be raised up like Him three days later, when she is seen being taken up into the cloud (see Revelation, chapter 11).

Once evil has reached its fullness of global proportions, Jesus will return to put an end to it all. It is then that the One World Order is finished once and for all time, and the old world order under God is revived, to become the New World Order under Jesus. The One World Order is an evil regime, but the New World Order is a result of heaven, itself, coming to earth with the rule of God on earth being established once again. The eastern gate will then be opened without any fear of religion polluting the city of Jerusalem ever again.

And Thy kingdom shall come on earth as it is in heaven, and Thy will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven. For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory for ever and ever.  Amen.