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Black and White – Darkness and Light

Voice of the Kingfisher speaks out  …from a different perspective
                                                          by Elinor Montgomery

June 18, 2010

Black and white, darkness and light, evil and good – it did not have to be like this. In God’s plan for mankind, He said, “Let there be light”. This was in the beginning, the essential foundation for life on earth. Then He created all things good.

You cannot separate light from life. If man were to try to do so, he comes against the will of God and against a creation made to sustain life through His Spirit, for it was His Spirit by which the dust received life. Without it, the dust remains dust with no sight, sound or understanding. Humanity, at Creation, was the dust made into life in the image of God, for within His plan, man had eternity built into him; he had the Father, God, the Son, the Light of the world, and the Spirit of life within him.

Just how blessed is this life I call self? It is not even possible to put into words the gratitude I feel toward God for His incredible gift. Still, God knows the nature of the flesh is to pull away from the Life-giver and move into a realm that satisfies the flesh. It is the lust of it, which will take man back to the dust whence he came because the Spirit of life cannot dwell within the realm of darkness. Light has no place with evil, yet man’s heart of flesh constantly is pulled in that direction. Circumcision of the heart is the only solution to the conflict, with the flesh being cut away.

Now, why, one might ask, would God create us to be placed in such a situation where we find ourselves being lured by the forces of evil that appeal to us? The answer, which is difficult for man to understand, lies in the fact that the universe has been contaminated by the forces of evil. This is why there was darkness on the face of the deep in the beginning, when God began the process of re-creation of the universe with the light of the world.

His plan was for redemption of that which had been lost when pride was found in Lucifer, the angel of Eden, sealed with perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty (see Ezekiel 28:12-13). He was cast from freedom of the heavens to his limitation within space called earth, taking a third of the angels with him to what would ultimately lead to the end of his and their existence. Earth became a place of contamination within the universe. Yet, it also became the place of redemption as the stepping-off location of the universe to return back to life in God from the dust, that which was evil and doomed in the darkness of the eternal silence.

Life on earth is the wilderness experience of man in which he is tempted by evil, but given free will to choose between good and evil, between God and Satan and between life and death. Just as the wilderness was the testing ground for Israel, so is this world mankind’s wilderness and testing ground. Israel, when faced with the wilderness journey, chose death over life in disobedience and rebellion to God.

He offered them a Light-directed journey through, which would take them to their own Promised Land, under His protection, but instead of having gratitude they said, “Thanks, but no thanks, we prefer to go it on our own.” To this day, Israel is going it on her own without the protection of God over her, which she rejected in her wilderness journey, against all of God’s pleading with her through the voice of His prophets.

Is spiritual Israel, which has been offered the kingdom, under God’s ruler-ship, any different from the nation? Is the church, which was offered the keys to the kingdom, any more grateful in its American wilderness journey than was the nation, Israel? This world is the testing ground to determine who will be fit for the coming perfect kingdom on earth. It will bring together heaven and earth with man dwelling in perfect harmony with God again.

He warned man that the matter of life and death lay in the food he would choose to eat. Either he would eat only of the tree of life, as God commanded, which was the same as saying he would eat only of truth, the flesh of Jesus, Who is the Light of the world, or he would choose to eat of the fruit of the forbidden tree in rebellion to God. This tree was the tree that combined good with evil in order to lead men into a life of religion. It was possessed by Satan, who had lured the angels of heaven away from the God of truth.

Satan is able to give the illusion of something more desirable than truth by twisting the truth with a lie, enticing man with something appealing to the heart, which is in line with his fleshly nature. God allows this as a testing ground to see if we can overcome the lures of evil on earth, so that there will be no more Lucifers in heaven to lure God’s people away. He is offering a place in His heavenly divine family and it is not an offer, which He takes lightly. It is an eternal offer for which we must be purified and ready for a royal position beside the King of kings and Lord of lords.

He showed the family plan intended between God and man by creating the institution of marriage. As a God of love, He wants a faithful bride who will never allow Satan’s lures to draw her into a life of harlotry, whereby she would forsake the love of her beloved Creator. Satan has no long-term plan other than for man to worship him and, in so doing, to lure him into the inevitable termination of life by death and back to the dust for which there is no drawing board or third plan. Consequently Satan hates the marriage bed, which foreshadows kingdom living for the sons, born of man, with the Spirit of life in them.

There is only one opportunity for man to receive eternal life and it is by his redemption from the clutches of death. If we reject that gift, then we will give up life forever. It would suggest that we prefer those dark holes in the universe, which simply suck in whatever comes their way by taking it into endless free-fall in space. This can be equated with an endless burning fire that devours anything in its way. Does the sun not demonstrate that endless burning, which devours that which is too close in the path of its rays?

It is hard for me to believe that man would actually reject the loving and protecting arms of God Who loves us enough to take this sentence of death for us, so that we might live. Yet, it is only in His sinlessness (for all mankind is sinful) that we can escape the fall into eternal oblivion to receive the life again that man originally rejected.

God is as a tree that cannot be burned by fire. It could be said that the redeemed man is as a little tree or bush, which cannot be consumed by the fire. This is basic to the exodus of man from the controls of the lies of religion, which Satan offers him in place of truth. But man must reject religion for the truth in order to experience redemption – light for darkness, and a covering of white purity instead of a covering of black corruption.

The secularism of Satan will tell you there is no black and white, no truth or lie, only the grey matter of that which makes you feel good (the lust). It is what is known as each man’s own truth, a very nebulous thing, indeed, which has no substance. However, God’s Word, and not Satan’s, is the truth, which man found out when he rebelled in sin. His disobedience did surely cause his death, just as God had said it would, resulting in man’s separation from Him.

It was by the death of Jesus that the curtain of the Holy Place, separating man from God, was torn open. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father except through Him (see John 14:6).

Wake up, America, to the fact that under God’s ruler-ship you are a peculiar people unlike the rest of the religious world! It is His plan for His own to live in the knowledge that they have been redeemed and freed from the clutches of death. By understanding this, they can survive the One World Order of Satan when all the other nations fall under his opposing political, religious and economic worldly plan, which will eventually suck them into that dark abyss of space.

Americans need to rid themselves of the leadership, which will take them there, for God gives His people the leaders they deserve when they walk away from Him. The peoples of the world, which have known nothing but suffering under the satanic empire-building of man, did everything in their power to get to America. But, now America is running back the other way toward the East where religion, not God, rules, just as the Israelites wanted to go back to Egypt after having been freed from religious despotism. Turn back to God and He promises that He will return to you.

Life is all darkness under the sun, but a life lived above it in spiritual unity with God through the Lord Jesus is a life of truth, light and life eternal in love, peace and joy, yet, not without suffering in this world of evil. This is the hour of man, when his role in relationship to his God will be as a woman to her husband. He will have to choose between birthing a son of God for the kingdom by rebirth in the spirit or by remaining a harlot of Babylon to serve the devil as a son of the beast. Such a beast will surely die and remain in the darkness of dust forever, without the glory of recreation, which no beast can provide.

Reject those lures, covered with lies subject to the heat of the sun as a consuming fire, for the burning bush and the fire that does not consume. This is a bush, which has the seed of the Spirit of life from the tree of life within it. You, too, can be a bush of life that will escape the coming nighttime of the fire judgment. For it will consume everything in its path just as the firstborn in Egypt were doomed to die from birth when the angel of death was let loose upon the religious world of the doomed.

After the judgment, only ash will remain, just as the world witnessed with the warning of 9/11 on American soil. Do not walk into the building plans of Satan – economic, political and religious – from which there is no escape. Satan will reach the zenith of his empire-building with the coming One World Order, which must gobble up America, if he is to reach his goal. For she is the spiritual Israel of our times.

Obama and Harper are doing their jobs well, of laying the foundation for the takeover of America, whereby she will lose her way of life in freedom under God to become just another nation on the broad road to destruction. By her own choice, having experienced the miracle of liberty under God’s ruler-ship, like Israel before her, she will choose to go back to the religious slavery, which leads to death.

It will be the end of a pure white light shining from the torch of liberty in America, only to be extinguished and replaced with the darkness and the black of night, which lead to the smoking ovens.