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Former Prophetic Message 2020 – What Have We Done, January 21, 2020

What Have We Done?

Written by Elinor Montgomery –

January 21, 2020


First of all, the church made the serious mistake of allowing Rome to capture the true church of Jesus Christ and His apostles, and attach the name of Christianity to it by adopting the mocking term of Christian. It was first used in Antioch. Jesus said that He is the way, the truth and the life; He never said He was the religion, the lie and the death. It is not He, but we, who call it the religion, the truth and the life.


How deceived we are! Religion was the first sermon of the serpent in the forbidden tree, which would lead to death with a belief system that denied the Word of God. To paraphrase the serpent’s words–“Believe me,” it said, “and you will surely not die. Would a loving God allow such a thing?” Of course, it was out of love that He did allow such a thing so that mankind could not then eat from the tree of life only to spend an eternity in which the gates of hell would prevail over him. God had a glorious plan for His people.


It is not only possible, but likely, that God allowed a plan for the last empire to rule over His church, just as He had allowed Egypt to rule over His young struggling nation, Israel. Note the serpent always being placed upon the forehead of Pharaoh, and further note that the plagues were finally placed on the Egyptians to challenge the symbol of their religious gods, which find their source in the river waters of this world associated with the empires, as described in Genesis, chapter two. This indicates how important it is that we understand the nature of the spiritual waters of this world. The dark waters beneath and the empire governments are subject to the plagues of death in the end, but they did not come upon Israel as long as she fully obeyed God regarding His food Laws, and the placing of the blood of the lamb on the doorposts of their houses, so that the death angel would pass them by.


Rome is the final regrouping empire, which looked dead to the world, but is raising its ugly head again for one last time in an all-out effort to capture the entire world so that all will be deceived about the goddess, Mother Nature, and all the other false gods and goddesses of mythology, nothing more than created myths, introduced by satanic empire governments. They are all creations of an antichrist spirit. His strength and his fortress are found in the United Nations, which the very foolish people of America who claim God has dominion over them, have allowed this dragon to set up its offices within God’s country, as the abomination it is, with its phony UNICEF program for saving the children. 


The entire conglomeration called the United Nations should be picked up and thrown into the sea, so it can remain alongside of the Titanic on the ocean floor where it belongs in the destroying seawaters that lead to death by religion. I, like most Christians, have served the devil in the past by giving my support to UNICEF in particular, and to the United Nations (against God) in general. It all looked so good as we went about raising funds to feed and save the children of the nations of the world.


Meanwhile, here at home in America, we were systematically killing the children of our own nation by the knife of the abortionist. At the same time that the Governor General of Canada was a patron, as representative of the queen, for the saving of children through UNICEF, she gave the cherished annual Governor General’s award for achievement to the abortionist who was killing our Canadian babies in numbers greater than those of the children being saved by UNICEF. It would seem that some lives are more important than others in the eyes of the Elite.


There was a swampland of world governments between the children and the money we raised for UNICEF, which siphoned the gravy boat from top down until little, if anything, remained for the children. Meanwhile, our American unborn babies were dying at a faster rate than they could be saved. We, the parents, sent our children who managed to escape the butcher’s knife out to the streets as good, little, Christian children to collect the UNICEF funds on the night the evil gods of the world were worshiped and hallowed, called Halloween. How good the churches felt about themselves, and how silent the parents were about the butcher’s knife and the killing of their own babies!


There were millions more children in America being exterminated than there were Jews killed in the Nazi extermination camps of WWII. And the cheers of the people were heard around the world as the nation passed laws to protect the right of the mother and her abortionist to kill, while caring little or nothing at all for the right of the innocent baby struggling in the womb. This is the same womb, which God created to protect His baby as it squirmed every which way to get away from the approaching knife, receiving no help from the mother, whose womb God had chosen to receive His little creation.


Yes, I chaired a gala to raise funds for UNICEF, and yes, I was one of those Christians who funded the religious system, which came out of Rome, to become a partner with satanic governments today, caring little about the blood on the doorposts of Israel in Egypt. I did not know I was still on the path of the Exodus through this world to exit into the kingdom of the next through that blood of the true Lamb of God who gave His life to save me. I even said nothing when the government I trusted more than I trusted the Word of God finally took the Bible away from our children in the name of tolerance for all religions. But then, no one had told me that all religions are of the devil, including Roman Christianity. And I was a Christian church-goer all my life. How was it that I never really learned about the true salvation of Jesus on the cross and the spiritual rebirth of the true believer? And mine was a traditional, Protestant, mainline church.


Of course, I should have seen that mother Rome was the author of religion in the Babylonian river waters of the Babylonian system of empires, and had no part in the truth of Jesus. Yes, it had its own high priest in the pope, granting to him the inerrancy of Jesus. The pope continued the old, mother-goddess worship of the empires by granting the mother-goddess the stature of a deity as the mother of Jesus, worshiping and bowing before the statue of Mary and her child.


Yes, my ancestors came to this country to get out from under the deadly sword of Rome, which had been leveled at the very heart of the church, trying to hem it in by empire control. They had left behind the eastern nations of religion for a new country where they were free from the deadly bondage of religion to worship in spirit and in truth. Honor was given to the truth of God and His Word, which would rule over courtrooms and schoolrooms.


Within this New World, the greatest move of God within the entire history of the nations of the world took place. God set up a type of kingdom rule on earth, only to find the devil hot on His heels in an attempt to destroy this new land of liberty, called America. The devil would plant the United Nations in the heart of this free people. With this demonic symbol of peace, he would start the process of eroding those rights and freedoms, which only God can provide. The blessings belong to His people, and the curse began to descend upon them when the devil of Progressive Liberalism began the erosion process of liberalism from God. They want ‘no God’ in the land.


The devil always works as a Pied Piper of the children, ultimately capturing the nation with the establishment of a swampland, empire government where government serves the elite while, at the same time, controlling the masses from whom they steal their money and their children.


“And so,” says the Lord, “I will severely punish you as a nation if you do not repent of your evil ways and return this nation and My government back to Me. I AM the way, the truth and the life, and My Way runs straight through America to the kingdom. East is east and West is west, and ne’er the two shall meet. Satan tries to make them one. Wake up, you foolish people, and listen to the voice of My Shulamite. For her sake, I am coming quickly, as I scoop her up on eagle’s wings to take her to a place of safety. Hear her voice, for she has the restoration plans for renovating and restoring My church to its original purity in truth.”