A Message For The Nation
Written by Elinor Montgomery – emontgomery@cogeco.ca
June 3, 2006
Do you hear? Shut your mouths and cease your prattling, you who like to be seen seated in the best places and praying in the marketplace! What cares the Lord for your mass display of prayer that flows to Him like dark molasses, sticking to the throat?
You, O Canada, were called to be God’s nation, to be a light to the world of liberty in His Law. You were to show the world that victory and bounty come only from the Lord. You had every food of the world in your cupboards. You had warm houses in which to dwell and cars to carry you to and fro. You were free from slavery to corrupt governments, and free from the injustice of corrupt judges.
Look around you in this world of evil. Look at the terrible suffering in lands where the Lord God is not Supreme Ruler. The bodies of young children are left to die in the fields and the streets of the cities without mothers or fathers to console them. Your people have been blessed with families to care for your children. Did you place any value on the family, which God created with a mother and a father? Did you thank your Creator for establishing this great institution of nurturing for your children? Were you ever down on your knees in gratitude for such an amazing love of the Father as that which He passed down in the form of the love of the parents for their little ones?
God gave us His Law to maintain our relationships in a stable, healthy manner. Why, O Canada, did you reject His Law by replacing it with a Charter of Rights for all men regardless of the morality or the nature of their claims to such rights? The lack of morality encoded in the Charter comes in direct conflict with the nature of God’s Law and His moral code of justice, which is the result of the very best Law this world has ever had offered to mankind. It could only come from God and not from man. It is the only Law that brings liberty with it. There is no liberty in religiously-controlled states. The Charter offers no religious freedoms; it offers only minority religious controls.
Why did you allow the truth of God’s Word to be replaced in the hearts of the children with instruction in the evil practices, which caused Sodom to be destroyed by the fire judgment of God’s wrath? Have you cared so little for the well-being of your children that you would allow them to be placed on the altar of a death culture?
You have allowed small commissions of men to rule over you, telling you what is allowed and what is not allowed in the media, while ignoring God’s Word of truth. You have listened to the idol worshipers tell you their gods are equal to the One true God, and you have not opened your mouths, lest you offend their powerless gods. Allah has about as much power as a lifeless piece of stone. Buddha is exactly that – a lifeless piece of stone. And you have cowered before such religious trash by placing the true God on the same platform with the religious pagan gods. Woe to you, foolish Canadians, who know no shame for your evil doing.
Thus says the Lord: “I have put life and death before you as a blessing and a cursing. Choose life, this day! For I am the Lord your God, and you shall have no other gods before Me. I have placed before you an open door – a government that can hear your voice. Get down on your knees and repent for the evil you have allowed to enter into this land, and for your wicked ways as a nation called to be My light to the world. If it is man’s Charter of Rights you want to rule over you, then grasp on to it for your protection, and see that there will be none as it serves to destroy your freedoms.
I have shown you the corruption of both government and judiciary, which comes with this worthless scrap of material called a Charter. I have given you leaders who have deceived you and have tried to steal your bridal veil. Look and examine the disaster they have brought upon your nation. Your corruption has affected every area of this country, and has nearly destroyed your beautiful liberty, which comes only in obedience to Me. Now, turn back to Me and I shall heal your land.
Let the voice of My people rise and reclaim the nation for Me. I will not settle for a band-aided nation, which tries to keep the life-blood from pouring out of its arteries. It will require radical surgery, in order for the poison to be cut out before the bandage is applied. Come to Me, not in religion, for My people stand only on the truth.
I have no use for the leaven of the Pharisees. I want no idols left beneath the skirt of Rachel, for it is time for them to be buried as My pure bride comes forth standing only on truth, with no leaven in her. My flesh was the Word, not religion. I said to eat of it. I told you to exit the world of Egypt by eating only the Passover Lamb with unleavened bread. I repeated and repeated the command for ‘no leaven, no leaven, no leaven’. How is it you are a people without understanding? Why do you still cling to the forbidden?”
Now hear the Word of the Lord! “Muslim women will sit on your well-manicured grass in their religious garb, eating their food. Then they shall sit in your houses, while you will be relegated to sitting on the grass eating your food. Next, you will lie down on your side and cook over human waste. And then there shall be famine and there will be no food at all to eat. Finally, the grass shall be burned with a great and deadly fire, and you, who once lived under My protective hand, shall have no protection whatsoever. You shall burn in the flames of My wrath.”
Thus saith the Lord to the nation of Canada, sitting on the brink of destruction: “Lift up your hearts and lift up your gates, O nation of Canada, so that the King of glory might come in.”
Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you gates! And lift them up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory (Psalm 24:8-10).
Canada is founded upon the seas, but she is established upon the waters, for He shall have dominion from sea to sea. Let this be the true generation of Jacob, of those who seek the face of the Lord (see Psalm 24). Let our voices be heard throughout this land, and may this government, which has been put in place for this time, allow the voice of the messenger to have access through that open door. It is only the prophetic Word that can offer any answers for victory in America. It is time to open the door for true spiritual advice instead of resting on the liberal mindset of secular government advisors.
Unless we turn back to the Lord, He will not heal this land. The leaf is for the healing of the nation, if we would only take hold of the enormous gift, which the Lord God has in store for Canada. At the same time, the rest of the world will reel under the wrath of God’s judgment. We have the choice placed before us as to the camp in which we will choose to belong.
Canada is the land destined for the appearance of the bride of Christ, the church, just as Canaan was the land destined to be the home of the nation of Israel, which was first called out to be as a bride to God. The message of the wedding feast of Cana is basic to Israel in the natural, being the pattern for God’s Jewish people. It is also basic for the message of spiritual Israel, a spiritual nation that has failed very bit as much as the nation.
At the sound of the voice of the woman, who gives birth to the adopted sons of God, prophecy will be fulfilled, and it will be time for the return of Jesus for His bride. But first she must become the overcoming witness for a disbelieving world, to the truth in the spirit of prophecy, like her Beloved before her, going before nations and rulers. She must come forth in purity, free of the religious trappings of both the nation and the spiritual nation, as the true Jew.
This will be the healing and the only restoration of Israel, which the world will ever see. The opportunity lies before an open door. Will this government grab the moment and hear the voice, making the last call of history, to prepare and make straight the way for the kingdom of God on earth?