Storm Clouds are Gathering
Written by Elinor Montgomery –
July 22 & 23, 2007
A storm is brewing, and still our political and religious leaders have no discernment regarding what should be done to stop it. What fools men are, who race as fast as they can toward the occult, terrorism, sexual immorality, violence, and ultimately the catastrophic big bang and the final darkness, as that which was once dust returns to dust!
Man will listen to the lie, but he inclines his head away from the truth; he sneers at it and mocks it.
A simple example, such as the following, describes man’s condition. A chef sets out to cook an especially delicious dish for dinner. He has a recipe for it, with all of the ingredients set before him. Somehow, the labels, indicating the names of the ingredients, get switched. The container with the label of sugar upon it actually contains salt.
The recipe calls for one tablespoon of salt, along with one cup of sugar. What do you think will happen to that chef’s delicious dish, if one tablespoon of salt is replaced by one tablespoon of sugar, and one cup of sugar is replaced by one cup of salt? The dish will neither be delicious nor edible; it will be good for nothing but the garbage dump.
God has given the nations of America the recipe for success, and has allowed them to taste the excellent dish, which was cooked by following His recipe. Then along came some parliamentarians and judges who monkeyed with the labels by removing them to replace them with their own labels. They wanted to create a new dish of their own making.
What has been the result of their interference with God’s plan by altering His guide for success? We now find we have a country without its own culture, having lost its heritage in God by allowing people of other nations to destroy the flavor of Canada. This nation is quickly becoming fit only for the dung heap.
Warning signs abound throughout the recipe regarding the possible dangers that are involved in producing a truly successful dish. The first and most important matter to remember is that this is the Chef’s recipe, and does not belong to anyone else. He warns about the problem of introducing leaven into His dish. He insists that strict adherence to His recipe, is the only way to success, if a good-tasting dish is to be the outcome.
The first warning and the greatest danger for a nation under God in covenant with Him, is to look anywhere other than to the Bible for successful management. Many people love to work with a pinch here and a pinch there, but this does not necessarily attain the Chef’s standard for perfection. His standard is what is called righteousness. He has dominion over His people, requiring that they adhere to His standards, and not to those of some other chef.
What is so important about all of this God stuff anyway? The issue is this. He is your and my Creator and He runs a tight ship with His creation, so that it will not be lost due to man’s ignorance. He made the guidelines clear and firm from the moment man breathed his first breath by warning him of the consequences of sin, or rebellion in the form of liberalism to the truth of His Word. Is there any single issue more important to you and to your country than the issue of life and death?
Several times in recent years, God has warned us by showing us the fulfilled prophecy of His Word. His Word of truth rules supreme and judgment will follow rebellion to Him, as surely as the night follows the day.
Adam and Eve’s rebellion showed us that God would allow that which is dust, into which He breathed His Spirit of life, to return to dust. If the living being was not grateful for the life which was breathed into him, then life would surely be taken away from him. He showed that He would wipe out as many as rejected Him by means of a flood, in order to preserve His remnant of the righteous ones.
And the ‘clean-out’ and the ‘clean-up’ was nearly total, with the exception of one family, and the few animals, which entered Noah’s ark with the call of the Spirit of God. Noah was not the answer for the salvation of man, only a sign of things to come. For all men born of the woman have the seed of fallen man in them, and without the mercy of God’s intervention in their lives, they are all doomed to die.
Humanity did not start with a big bang, contrary to what the academic fools tell us, with words that appeal to the itchy ears of those who love a lie. Humanity started with the breath of the Spirit of life breathed into the created being, and the fact you are a living, breathing being is your living proof of this. For every breath you take, you can thank God, for it most certainly did not come from a big bang. Because you do not thank Him, but rather incline your heart to listen to fools instead of to the truth, the actual big bang, which will end it, rather than start it, is at your very door.
The death of the nation, like the death of Adam and Eve, will depend upon the choices men make today, before the final hour, which is nearer than you think.
God gives us warning signs to show us exactly what He will do. Let us take a look at His Word and see what is written on the warning labels of His recipe.
And He will bring down their pride together with the trickery of their hands. The fortress of the high fort of your walls He will bring down, lay low, and bring to the ground, down to the dust (Isaiah 25:11-12).
Prophetic warnings are written in the Bible, which point specifically to the 9/11 destruction of the towers of the New YorkWorld TradeCenter:
In the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall (Isaiah 30:25).
“And they shall destroy the walls of Tyre and break down her towers; I will also scrape her dust from her, and make her like the top of a rock (Ezekiel 26:4).”
“‘For in one hour such great riches came to nothing.’ And every shipmaster, all who travel by ship, sailors, and as many as trade on the sea, stood at a distance and cried out when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, ‘What is like this great city (Revelation 18:17-18)?’”
New York is the symbol of economic world trade with the World Trade Towers and the New York Stock Exchange of Wall Street located in that seaside city. The ancient city of Tyre, an island city on the Phoenician coastline, was the centre of trade for the entire region of the ancient world, as is Manhattan Island, New York, at the pulse of world trade today. They both became the gateway cities of trade for the nations. The World Trade Center’s demise foreshadows an economic collapse for New York, just as Tyre collapsed as the centre of trade in its time. There is an economic collapse of world-wide proportions sitting on the horizon like a disaster waiting to happen.
Prophetic warnings are also found in the Bible, pointing specifically to the destruction of New Orleans by the flood, which resulted from hurricane Katrina:
But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt (Isaiah 57:20).
“Now the coastlands tremble on the day of your fall; yes, the coastlands by the sea are troubled at your departure. For thus says the Lord God: ‘When I make you a desolate city, like cities that are not inhabited, when I bring the deep upon you, and great waters cover you, then I will bring you down with those who descend into the Pit, to the people of old, and I will make you dwell in the lowest part of the earth, in places desolate from antiquity, with those who go down to the Pit, so that you may never be inhabited; and I shall establish glory in the land of the living (Ezekiel 26:18-20).”
“But the east wind broke you in the midst of the seas (Ezekiel 27:26).”
“And the entire company which is in your midst, will fall into the midst of the seas on the day of your ruin (Ezekiel 27:27).”
“But when you are broken by the seas in the depths of the waters, your merchandise and the entire company will fall in your midst (Ezekiel 27:34).”
Again, Tyre was a city that depicted merchandizing and wickedness, ruled by the king of pride and wickedness, himself, Satan. New Orleans was America’s capital of wickedness, being full of witchcraft, sodomy, gambling and prostitution. Her destruction was but a mere warning of the judgment, which is about to come upon the wickedness of the American nations. It will leave them desolate and helpless, when God removes His hand of protection from their enemies.
Who needs whom? Does He need us, or do we need Him, for He protects only His own, who are faithful to Him? With these catastrophes, God is warning about a coming economic failure in America, which will be on a world-wide scale. He is also warning about His coming judgment upon America as she purposely chooses to walk away from Him and from His moral Law.
Surely Canadians, a people under God, having once known His peace, do not want to invite the cults of the world into this country to destroy it. Multiculturalism is the liberal program, which will destroy the nation. It is time to stop it now before mosques and Hindu temples cover the countryside, as did altars to foreign gods, built by King Solomon for his many foreign wives, cover the land of Israel. His kingdom was ripped away from him and it cost him the throne of Israel, which was his inheritance from his father, King David.
We are allowing multiculturalism to break the covenant of God’s people with Him. Satan is using it to force the message upon us that there is no one truth and that all religions are equal to the truth. The idea is promoted constantly by the religious crowd that truth for one is not necessarily truth for another. The truth is for all people and remains the same today, as it was yesterday.
Such lies are fed to our children, like those, which were fed to Hitler’s children. They are being told that the one true God is not the only God of truth, and therefore we must recognize all the cultic gods and allow them equal place with the one true God over America. Such thinking provides us with a moral code that allows us to do as we please without Him. This amounts to God’s people committing treason against Him.
The wisdom of men fails as the judgment approaches. The storm is brewing and still we stand in defiance against the Master of the storm. We squawk like stray geese, unwilling to heed the direction of the leader, which will lead them to safety.
Open your eyes and open your ears, Canada, your goose is about to be cooked! Unless you stop your harlotry of embracing the gods of other cultures, you shall surely face the coming storm, ignited by the wrath of God. You will see many, many more signs of famine, floods, fires, hurricanes and earthquakes, so brace yourselves, for the storm clouds are gathering.
‘Mother earth’, of the Diana worship you so love, has about as much power as a dead cow. He is Father God, Who has control over the winds, the seas, and the earth.
Changes in the weather patterns are coming, but not because of fuel emissions. They will be the result of the omissions of God’s people, who refused to pay tribute to or honor the God of the universe, Who gave them life.