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The Donald and the Wall

Voice of the Kingfisher speaks out …from a different perspective

by Elinor Montgomery

December 18, 2015

Donald Trump’s success is due, in part, to the fact that he has stumbled upon one of the great truths concerning victory for a nation under God, as revealed in the Bible.

There have been only two nations under God’s rule; one was ancient Israel under the Law of Moses and the other is America (with Canada and the United States treated as one continental nation) under the Mosaic Law as well, but within a different format. In America, the government rested upon the shoulders of Jesus, which is to say, the Man who is the truth made flesh, which, in turn, is to say, the Bible itself.

The pre-incarnate Jesus led the nation Israel in the cloud over the ark of the Testimony by day and as a pillar of fire by night. This was the old covenant with Israel, ratified by the keeping of the Law – the agreement of blessings from God for the nation, for keeping it. To break covenant was as breaking a marriage vow to one’s partner. With such a choice came cursings.

Israel had the privilege of being a chosen people, with the enormous blessing of partnering with the God of light who brought light into creation to dispel the darkness on the face of the deep. Spiritually speaking, the spiritual waters of death were first dispelled by the Light before God began the rest of the process of creating the world, man and all that was therein.

He also created the signs in the heavens as different forms and degrees of light. There is no excuse for missing God’s spiritual plan with such a magnificent portrayal of the divine Son of God (the sun) blinding in His brilliance. He was the Light who came to earth as the Son of Man, to become a part of the human race, whose birth was previously announced by the prophets of old.

On the night of this incredible birth, the Lord God opened the skies and flooded them with light (you might say, our first sign given of the Savior’s arrival), announcing to shepherds and kings that the child had been born. He was the priestly Lord of all priests or shepherds and the King of all kings, who would establish His true church from among all the peoples of the world and not from just one nation.

This meant that the covenant, for it to be lasting, would have to take on a new format, crossing it over from the natural form to a spiritual form with a crossover blessing going out from the nation Israel to all nations, just as intended from the moment God closed off the Garden on the east side, driving man out to the East from His Garden kingdom paradise.

At the same time, He established the Way back to a new kingdom on earth, to be ruled by His Son, not created by the breath of life, but rather begotten by the Spirit of Life. He arrived right on schedule, to be placed in that animal trough meant for the feeding of the beasts, which man had become when he was expelled to the East, under the ruler-ship of his new father, the devil. The Son would become the inheritor of the throne of His Father in the coming kingdom of God on earth. Through the devil, the antichrist spirit has prevailed to try and prevent the Christ from receiving His throne.

On the cross, as the perfect covenant keeper, He paid the price for the sins of man, so that man might also be resurrected from death, in order to live forevermore with the Father, who had separated Himself from the creation, which had rejected Him in rebellion. This is the perfect marriage, which God had desired Israel to share with Him, but she failed to keep her marriage vows of the covenant. Instead, she played the harlot with the other gods of the cults belonging to the religions of Satan. At last, after six millennia of laboring with man to bring forth His partner, He would have a bride for His Son of inheritance, born again of the Spirit of Life, which had been lost in the Garden.

Hence, the moon (the bride) became the reflected light of the sun (Son) (see Genesis 37:9-11), and the stars were as the fruit or saved sons/daughters from the tribes of believers from all the nations. Those saved would surround the tabernacle, according to the plan of God for the tribes of Israel, which was given to Moses during Israel’s wilderness journey. Only those born again of the water and the Spirit will enter the kingdom (see John 3:5), but all who believe on the name of Jesus will be saved among the tribes (see John 3:16).

The gates of heaven will open only to the spiritual tribes of Israel who come into the kingdom as servants to the King and His bride. Every gate of the kingdom is named for a tribe, and Jacob blessed them accordingly for the latter days, not as the nation of the early days, but rather as a spiritual nation in the last days (see Genesis 49:1), long after the crossover had taken place.

The other nations of the world would remain in captivity to Satan to become a part of the dark side of this world relegated toward the East. Their allegiance is to man and not to God, with leaders of a religious spirit – the spirit of death, brought upon the world by Adam and Eve’s rebellion to God in the Garden.

We still see the evidences of this in the East today. They chose the religious belief system of the serpent and his lies as opposed to standing firm and safe on the truth of God, the foundation for the continuance of a Garden-type paradise flowing with milk, honey and enough bread provided from heaven every day to feed all according to their needs.

First, there was the grain of Egypt, provided because of Joseph’s ability to understand dreams and reveal the truth of God through understanding and knowledge coming directly from Him. There were no such readers of dreams among the Egyptians, only the young Israelite man, called Joseph, son of Jacob, the father of the tribes of Israel.

Then there was the manna from heaven, which came down from above as a supernatural answer to man’s spiritual need for food. Jesus declared that He was the manna from above who came down to give life in the form of the food of truth, as the Word made flesh (see John 6:30-40). This is one and the same symbol of the body, as is the bread we eat with Communion.

Like Adam and Eve, Israel rebelled against God. How does God deal with a nation of harlotry, which listens to the antichrist spirit behind the empire builders of the world tied to the religious belief systems of the devil? He takes down the wall of protection He offers His people for their obedience to Him, which would give them freedom from the empire wars raging all around them, due to the aspirations of the evil rulers who worship Satan, and all his false gods.

God had directed the nation Israel to get all such religious cults out of His nation once He gave His people a specific piece of land, and then set up the boundaries for it. They were to keep the religious cults and their gods out with a wall separating them spiritually, as the law-keepers of God in truth from the law-breakers of God in religion. Such nations were under the driving force of Satan and his antichrist spirit to return darkness wherever the light dispelled it.

This is why he is called the antichrist spirit, for he is against the light, who is Jesus, the Christ, who is ultimately going to dispel all darkness. Satan must destroy the light of the Son, and all the reflecting lights of the moon and the stars, if darkness is to cover the world again. The Son of God came as the greater light, and Israel and America, as the nations of the lesser lights in which there were freedom and liberty, as long as that torch of the light of liberty in God was held up for the world to see. The symbol of all of this is found in the Statue of Liberty.

With the advent of Christ into the world, His church became the voice for light and liberty. She replaced the prophets of old as the voice speaking for God. The Almighty Father gave His sons and daughters of the church the nation of America where men would be set free from the warring, rejected of God, on the east side of the Garden, whence would come the tower builders of Babel and their dispersion to form the nations of the world. They have functioned ever since in full defiance of God, defying Him to come together again as a united union of nations still bent on tower-building their way to heaven without God.

Now, America’s strength lay in the protective wall of truth at her borders whereby she set the Bible, the Book of truth, before all hopeful immigrants and told them categorically that God, not religious gods, ruled over this nation. The applicant for citizenship needed to acknowledge His ruler-ship and swear allegiance to Him and to their new country. This would weed out, at the border, like a wall of protection, all those who wanted to come to America to establish their religion in God’s country and inflict their killing religions under false, cultic gods on this free world of enormous blessings from God.

This was the same border God insisted upon for His nation, Israel, a border, which said no cults in God’s Promised Land. “Take your cults, get out and go back East whence you came from the day I drove Adam and Eve out of My blessed piece of property to see how they fare with their destroying lover, the devil, who loves no one but himself. If you don’t cut them out from the land first, with all their wives, children and animals, then they will eventually cut you from this, the land I gave to you, My people.”

“And you, by all means keep yourselves from the accursed things, lest you become accursed when you take of the accursed things, and make the camp of Israel a curse, and trouble it (Joshua 6:18).”

And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, ox and sheep and donkey, with the edge of the sword (Joshua 6:21).

It is interesting to note that the voice of God’s people in harmony with the trumpet call, obeying the commands of God, was all it took for the walls of the enemy of Jericho to come down. But victory was lost for the next battle when they failed to obey God’s command to not take for themselves any of the accursed things of the enemy.

Yes, the Donald (the voice), the Trump (the trumpet sound), whom some call a clown and others, a jackass, has tapped into this truth of God to build the wall at America’s border to keep out the illegals from wherever they might come – those who want to bring their murderous, corrupt ways into America to destroy it from within.

Is he inspired by God to be a prophetic voice to the nation? Who can say? For God has already used an ass in the form of a donkey to be His voice in place of a prophet, called Balaam, who had lost his way by dabbling in a little witchcraft with the enemy (see Numbers 22:28). There is nothing in the rule book to say God cannot do it again.

You could say Balaam wanted to bargain with the enemy in unity with the cult, which is – yes, you guessed it – multiculturalism. He certainly introduced the concept into Israel, a nation, which, foolishly, ended her days, the day she said, “We have no king but Caesar”, spitting right in the face of a condemned Jesus. Woes, upon woes, upon woes have plagued Israel ever since, and God is not finished with her yet.

Take heed America to the woes coming your way. Donald Trump may be called a clown or a jackass, but I would strongly advise you to heed his driving force to rebuild the wall and to eject the religious cults from the nation. Furthermore, the self-righteousness of the American people, who dismiss the thought of killing women and children as being simply unthinkable, need to take a closer look at themselves.

Are they not guilty of slaughtering their own babies, whom they failed to protect as the most innocent of children, while still in the mother’s womb? From 1973 through 2011, nearly 53 million legal murders of babies occurred in the U.S., with the support of a political group of liberal-appointed, so-called judges. During the CNN debate of the Republican candidates for president, when the audience booed Donald for such an unthinkable statement, he was so right to challenge these same killers some of whom would quite likely be in that audience, which booed him.

You just may find yourselves being the fools of Proverbs who neither recognize truth, nor understand that religion is not of God, a God who only knows truth, lives by truth and rules by truth. In truth He judges, and Mr. Trump may well have the last laugh, if it were not for the fact that, if he is a clown, he is one who is crying within, for a nation about to go down as a people who never could listen to those who spoke for God or for truth.

In remembering Christmas is all about Jesus, at this time, may I wish you all the joy, which only He can bring into your lives?