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A Convenient God

Voice of the Kingfisher speaks out …from a different perspective

by Elinor Montgomery

May 18, 2016

What is it that defines the Republican Washington Establishment? I would have to describe them as a group of elected politicians who run in the name of God for convenience. After all, are the Good Shepherd’s sheep not on the right and the goats on the left? Isn’t the old goat, Bernie, a good example of just how far left the goats can be? There is no need for God among such leftists for, if the likes of Bernie or Hillary is elected, then the government replaces God as the Provider of all good things, and no one will have to work in order to eat or have medical care again.

But, there is something fishy about this whole leftist theory. Far left Cuba fell into the painful grip of Communism, going about as far left as a nation can go. It followed the lead of Russia and China, all having been as poor as any countries can be, until America decided to trade with them and help pay for their recovery when the inevitable economic collapse eventually came. Or, as it happened in the case of China, America exported her jobs to that country, which took advantage of a trade imbalance to use slave labor coupled with human rights conditions, which would break all laws in America.

Now, leftist Venezuela is on the point of collapse with the sick lying on gurneys, with no sheets and no medicine, among a people as poor as church mice. Will American dollars flow out again to those who want nothing of God and would kill Americans at the slightest provocation – money, which by rights, should go back to the American people, instead of going to the enemy, to help their own poor?

Still, the Republican Establishment leans left at every opportunity it can, while claiming the God in whom America trusts to be the God of their political party. But I find it difficult to find Him in their midst, except when it is convenient to tout a religious god, while, at the same time, rarely touting the God of the truth of the Bible.

Where was the voice for the Republican Establishment when Bibles were removed from the classroom? Did they shout up a storm to prevent it? No, but it has proven to be convenient for them to recognize God as the God of truth on the occasion that the titular leader of the party is elected president, and is required to be sworn into office on the Bible. Shouldn’t that count for something?

Where were they when the homosexual, political agenda went into full lobbying force to break down God’s establishment of marriage as being between one man and one woman, with the fruit of their union being the family? The Republican establishment burst forth in a display of ‘tolerance’ for this movement and for all peoples no matter what their beliefs or moral values. Shouldn’t that count for something?

And where were they when the abortionist’s knife became a government supported health benefit? They agreed on the right of the woman to have control over her own body. Shouldn’t that count for something?

Yes, it all counts for something – for the decline of the American society into a moral abyss as it sinks deeper and deeper, unable to climb out of the swirling mire. Then they all complain against the circumstances that pursue, and ask themselves what has gone wrong in America that we should be seeing the youth involved in random killings and other violent acts of terrorism. This is exactly what Republican, leftist tolerance counts for.

Haven’t we excused the hypocrisy of the Religious Right with our nice, religious, television commentators on the right wearing their crosses, women around their necks and men on their sleeves, as they all but shout their tolerance for homosexuality and the rights of women over their bodies, which lead to the abortionist’s knife?

In every abortion, the victim is the baby, not the mother, who is very much alive and safe in the womb as long as the mother doesn’t decide to kill him/her because of the inconvenience he/she is causing the mother by just being there. It is not a right over her body at all; it is a right over the unborn child’s body, which she is claiming – a right a so-called, convenient God, in whom many of these young women claim to believe, does not give to them.

But, our Republican politicians who pray publically on the steps of Congress and those party leaders who swear on the Bible, saying, “So help me God,” agree in fact that they know better than the Word of God about certain matters, which just happen to correspond to the popular, liberal views of the day, depending on which way the public winds blow. They manage to flip-flop their beliefs accordingly, as they weigh their futures within the Washington establishment.

It is amazing how one day this establishment can be against homosexual marriages, and the next day they are passing laws in support of such foolishness. No matter what the decision of government, man will never marry man, nor woman marry another woman; for such is a physical impossibility, whether or not one pretends that, by dressing-up, one can change one’s sex to the other. Call it what you may, anything from an abominable relationship, as God sees it, to a friendship of love as the homosexual sees it, but it will never be a marriage, which must be between a man and woman in order to be fruitful, no matter how much they pretend otherwise. It is all smoke-screen and mirrors.

God is not, and never was, a convenient God whom you can pull out when needed and put away to ignore when, seemingly, not needed. This speaks partly for the rise to the top of Donald Trump among the Republican rank and file of the voters. He does not play the hypocrite; he calls it as it is and his policies, regarding the building of a wall of protection from illegal immigration for America, totally line up with biblical truth.

He is like a Nehemiah when it comes to the times we are in and the state of the nation being in dire need of rebuilding on the principles of God, which still apply in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence from the religious, empirical institutions. Yet the other Republican candidates, who, for the most part, have flaunted God’s name so conveniently, have fought him most of the way with the exception of Ben Carson, a truly fearless man of God, who does not play the prospects.

A church on fire was at the heart of the birth of the nation. God was not a convenience; He was the foundation for the structure – the rock foundation for a nation, which would not collapse within the moral structure of His Law. Once the foundation of truth and His Law had been removed to make way for the rights of religion and the lies to rule in the nation, it was then that America moved off her solid, rock foundation and onto the shifting sands of the left.

At the last Democrat National Convention of the left, the shout was heard loud and clear – “No God”. It, of course, was all done under the banner of religious tolerance, which is the same call as that of the serpent in the Garden of Creation, which, when heeded, brought about the death of man and will bring about the death of this nation, today.

God is not a God of convenience. It remains to be seen whether or not Donald Trump can work his way forward from doing the right thing to doing it for the right reasons. This is the big question, the answer to which will determine the times. Will America move into revival under a Trump rule, or will the times come to an end as God begins to vent His wrath on a world quickly going mad?

“When you go to war in your land against the enemy who oppresses you, then you shall sound an alarm with the trumpets, and you will be remembered before the Lord your God, and you will be saved from your enemies (Numbers 10:9).”

God is anything but convenient. Could the nation’s salvation be awaiting the sound of the Trump?

Elinor Montgomery Email: