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A Storm of ‘Legitimate Rape’ in a Teacup

Voice of the Kingfisher speaks out  …from a different perspective

                                                          by Elinor Montgomery

September 04, 2012

Todd Akin, a candidate in the 2012 Missouri election race for the United States Senate, made a statement, which, under normal circumstances, would be fairly inconsequential. However, in a liberal, politically-correct, charged election, his statement seems to have become most consequential among the Republican brotherhood, which pounced on him like vultures going after their prey. Even the normally sane Karl Rove, came out swinging at Akin, perhaps being the worst of them all. Dare one mention the word “murder”, which came from his lips?

The term, which Akin used in his statement on abortion, was “legitimate rape”, distinguishing it from the many cases annually of illegitimate claims of rape, where rape actually does not take place, in what are merely acts of consensual sex. It would appear it is an insult to all women to recognize this distinction, as in the case of many other politically-correct, charged issues. Much in the same way as this liberal society suggests that little egos of children are damaged by discipline, the liberal, feminist movement of today leans toward punishing men for raising insensitive truths about women.

You would think the family-orientated Republican Party might rise above the political fray rather than become the fray. An uproar arose from the Republican ranks, which merely pointed to their fear of being tarnished with the term ‘politically incorrect’. There was no back-bone shown to suggest they are anything more than hypocrites when it comes to defending moral correctness.

Todd Akin claimed that women who are victims of rape rarely experience pregnancy, as a result of it. His theory, related to one put forth in a 1996 article in an obstetrics and gynecological journal, which found only 5% of women who are raped actually become pregnant. His response to criticism was simple and straightforward. He believes that, as a member of Congress, it is one of his most important responsibilities to defend both the life of the unborn and the victim of sexual assault.

Now what, may I ask, is it that could turn such a reasonable statement into a storm in a teacup? After all, do hundreds, if not thousands, of infertile couples seek medical help in becoming pregnant, only to receive the advice to relax and not be so anxious about the situation? The lack of tension involved in the process leads to a greater, rather than a diminished, possibility for pregnancy. Many couples, who adopt children, also reduce their anxiety levels only to discover they then become pregnant.

It seems to me this is exactly the same principle, which Akin espouses, concerning the likelihood of pregnancy from ‘legitimate rape’. Would there ever be any sexual situation in which a woman might experience more severe tension than in the case of rape? Pregnancy is not a disease. Why then should the state be responsible in any way for it, no matter what the reason for the offence? It is not responsible if I am attacked and have my purse stolen.

And why in the world should you and I pay for the choices of women to either use or not use contraceptives? It is their choice and not mine and I suggest that they take full responsibility for their own choices and leave my money to me, to pay for my own choices. By the same token they believe it is the responsibility of the state to pay for the raising of their children. Is it any wonder the state is burdened with welfare payments, the funds for which are no longer there for the help of those in real need, but rather are being used to help couples earn more and more money with which to buy more and more toys?

Almost the entire Republican Party jumped to get on the politically-correct bandwagon that panders to the feminist, strong-arm movement, straight from the pit of liberalism, except for the wiser heads of Newt Gingrich and Mike Huckabee. I would like to zero in on Gingrich who, on Sunday Night NBC’s “Meet the Press” said that people do make mistakes. He very wisely claimed Todd Akin to be the choice of the people of Missouri, with the polls showing him to be ahead of the Democratic candidate, and so he advised the Republicans to get over it and move on from that for which Akin later apologized.

But not so for the Republican Party, which has a tendency to self-destruct as it did in the race for choosing its presidential candidate. Gingrich, using his incredible logic, simply stated that by suggesting Akin should go, the opinions of the voters of Missouri are being discounted. In chastising Karl Rove for making such disparaging remarks about Todd Akin, Gingrich pointed to Gabby Gifford, claiming that it is not a joke in this day and age to say that a member of government ought to be murdered. He is fed up with this one-sided, liberal bias, which has now pervaded the Republican camp, leaving it fearful of being viewed as ‘politically incorrect’ by a liberal-leaning society. All ideas have the right to be heard and represented by elected representatives.

“Where,” Gingrich asked, “was the outrage over a truly racially-charged statement and false accusation of Vice-president, Joe Biden, who accused Republicans of wanting to put voters back in chains during a campaign speech in Virginia?” The Vice-president was so confused that he could not even remember which state it was, in which he was speaking. This was a deliberate statement accusing Republicans of racial profiling, about which the liberal mouths remained silent. Who really is worthy of contempt – Biden or Akin?

It was a sad day when Newt Gingrich disappeared from the ranks of the Republican presidential candidate race. There is no more logical mind in the entire party and none more searing for his liberal opponents. I guess I can only best compare him to a Conrad-Black-type of opponent, who could set Obama, with his leftist stand, reeling, being no match when challenged on the real issues by such a mind. In a real debate, Obama would be left far behind in his double-speak, small talk. I take my hat off to Newt Gingrich and Todd Akin for riding over the Republican swell of treachery against their own.

May Todd Akin stand firm in his conviction and become a winner in spite of the resistance from his own party, which he serves well by serving the American people well! He just might carry that much-needed, decisive Senate vote, which, one day, could put an end to Obamacare in America and even, possibly, to Obama, himself, as a political power.

May Newt Gingrich go down in history as one of the great men who served his fellow Americans, faithfully to the end? And may Todd Akin continue to stand on principle for what he considers to be right and truth? Other Republicans have lacked the courage that he has, when every vote has counted on every moral issue, in order to do what God says is required of us and not what the culture dictates.

Reference: Akin Gaffes No Worse Than Biden’s, by Amy Woods, Newsmax, Sept. 02, 2012