Voice of the Kingfisher speaks out …from a different perspective
by Elinor Montgomery
January 15, 2013
The Constitutions of America were created uniting church and state, while separating religion from state. I obviously did not attend Harvard Law School like our most anointed United States President, or like our most eloquent lawyers who play at the role of judges and plead before our highest courts, but I do understand the ‘101 Course of Truth vs. Religion’, which seems to escape their understanding. Since our courts depend on truth, would it not make sense that understanding the meaning of truth would be the starting point for Harvard Law School’s educational system, as it should be for all the other law schools in the land, as well?
Of course, it would require the Bible as a basic text, as it was in Harvard’s early days; for the understanding is laid out in Genesis, chapters one to four. Perhaps, because it is so simple and straight-forward to understand, our eloquent professors do not want to admit to the fact that for centuries they have had it wrong and have been building Constitutional Law courses around a lie. How do you make a lie into the truth when truth cannot be altered? What could be more of a slap in the face for our legal beagles than to discover they have never separated religion from truth, but have treated them as one and the same in nature?
The lie is this – truth is one with religion and religion is one with truth. But the God of truth is not a god of religion and never was a god of religion, which He has relegated to a death culture. Truth is one with life, not with death. Religion has masqueraded as truth in any number of apostate religions, which has led the courts to legislate around belief systems being relative to different men’s ideas of truth, with truth becoming a relative term within the law. This falsehood has been perpetuated by the courts and our legal beagles for many years now, resulting in a deception that has become the number one destroyer of our constitutions in America.
I take the courts and our illustrious Harvard beagles to task and challenge them to a duel of wits, between my most simple, but focused, mind on the truth of the Bible and their secular, highly-trained, skilled minds focused on the books of Secular Humanist origin. In order to make my case, it is back to Genesis that I go. And the question is as to how I am able to justify this Book as having authority over all other books.
The answer is found in the fact that I do not have to justify it; it justifies and proves its own truth and accuracy, all by itself. It does not depend on anything as changeable or as corruptible as the minds of men to prove it, and, may I say, thank goodness it does not depend on man’s mind as do the text books used by our legal beagles. They think in terms of precedence, with men creating the laws of men, which are ever-changing according to the cultural changes, as compared to God’s Law, which is immutable and never changing.
It is rather nice, is it not, that the common man or woman, like myself, can interpret God’s Law without needing the beagles to do so for us. Nor do we need a judge to tell us whether or not we have broken the Law. It is clearly delineated in the spirit of the Law, which differentiates right from wrong, and is not the least bit complicated to interpret. However, some may be reluctant to recognize its authority, but our reluctance does not change its authority; the Law rules over this world whether we accept it or not. God has the final say in the judgment of all men, and it may come as a surprise to our eloquent Supreme Court justices that they, too, will ultimately come under the supreme judgment of God who rules over them.
Back to Genesis and the truth. God set creation in place by the commandments of His voice. He created His sanctuary of heaven and earth, in truth, the only thing He can speak, creating everything in goodness. The human being was created in His image to worship Him in spirit and in truth. In the same way, our two Constitutions of America created our courts, by recognizing God’s truth, the Bible, to be the foundation for the truth of witnessing. Judges take sworn oaths to judge on the basis of biblical truth.
How do we know it is truth? Is it enough to accept the Word of God without testing it, if it is called the testimony of Jesus, as stated in Revelation 19:10? The Bible clearly states that His testimony is given in the spirit of prophecy. So, what does a good, legal mind do but test the statement to see whether it is true or not?
One will discover that every word is written with the element of prophecy within its context. The Bible becomes the only text book, which can determine the end of times from the beginning, and has recorded history through the inspiration of the Spirit of God, working upon the hearts and minds of its many writers. Only He, who claims this book to be His own Word, has a mind unlike any human mind, knowing the beginning from the end, for He is the Alpha and the Omega. We can lay no such claim for our understanding as humans who are passing through a tiny space of time in the total history of the world. We depend on that which goes before and, in turn, will serve to shape that which follows. Not so, the Word of God! It is all written before it ever happens.
So, where do truth and religion come together? They literally collide in the first command spoken by God, when He said the words, “you may freely do so” and “thou shalt not do so.” These were the determining words, which separated life and death. The truth of God was spoken in perfect judgment. Disobedience to this Law led to the birth of religion and liberalism, the first belief system based on a lie that was intended to separate man from God’s truth in rebellion to His command. This was the crossover point for man from liberty, or freedom, to the slavery of religion and liberalism based on the lie, which brought about his separation from God and his slavery to death.
Now, for our lawyers to call truth, religion, is to unite God’s Word to the lie of the serpent, the voice for Satan and the voice of death and destruction. You see, it does not take any great argument on my part to prove God’s Word truth. It is 100% prophetic and 100% accurate. Man did die in the sin of disobedience to God’s command or Law in order to believe the lies of religion. He gave up the truth for a lie.
On the contrary, Jesus came to earth as the Word of truth made flesh, a man in whom there was no iniquity of the lie. As truth, the religious world/state unity could not kill Him, though they destroyed His body. He simply rose again to live on forever. This was the victory of truth and the proof of God’s Word. Jesus refused the lures of the satanic lies of religion to become the very spiritual bread of truth upon which these two nations of America built the foundations of their constitutions.
Like the true church of Jesus Christ, built on truth, we built our government systems and our judicial systems on the Bible, recognizing it to be the Book of truth. It is upon the Bible that our presidents and prime ministers take their oaths of office. We allowed no religious high priests any place in the governing and justice system of America. The reason we have liberty is because we are free of the religious/state ties of other nations, but there most definitely was always a state/church tie through the recognition of the truth of the gospels of Jesus Christ.
They are our Harvard legal beagles and all the other legal beagles who do not seem to have understanding of our constitutional laws set up in this country by our Founding Fathers who purposely set up a church/state. The purpose was to keep the religious/state out and freedom, or liberty, alive and well in truth, as declared it would be in the Garden of creation, in Genesis, chapter 2. Where do you think this argument comes from, if not from God, in the beginning? He gave the perfect Law and the perfect means by which to argue for keeping truth at the heart of the nation.
The message is very clear. If a nation stands on truth, uniting church and state, it will remain alive and well. Introduce a religious/state tie, in the name of tolerance, and death will come to that nation. The deception perpetrated by our secular, legal beagles is that truth and religion are one and the same; they are not, never have been and never will be the same.
The religion of Christianity is not the true apostolic church; no religion is of God, for He is a God of truth, which He declares Himself. The apostolic church, much to the angst of the religious leaders in alliance with governments, stands solely on a foundation of Jesus, the Cornerstone of truth and of the church. Of course, the truth/state tie of America is what gives her liberty, tied to the torch of the covenant between God and Abraham.
This is why America and Israel stand apart from the religious, satanic, empire-building nations of the world. It is in God, whom America trusts, and He has been given dominion from sea to shining sea. Through the crosses planted across this country, there is no ruling religion; only truth comes through the cross.
It is about time our legal beagles wake up to the truth, shed their blinding scales of the religion of Secular Humanism, put on the armor of God, return to their courtrooms and start demanding the return of truth to government, the courtroom and the schoolroom. The church has a supreme role to play in government where there is liberty under God, but there is no room whatsoever for religions of any sort to join with it.
Yes, Mr. Obama, you do have it ‘jackass-backwards’, even though you claim your Harvard superiority for endorsing thought laws. One does burn the Koran, a book of religious lies, in a nation where there is no room for religious authority. No, Mr. Obama, you never give the order for American soldiers to burn the Bible, the Book of truth, foundational to our constitutions in this land. It is nothing short of an act of treason, which indicates exactly what your position is in relationship to God, the truth and the Constitution; your actions are unconstitutional. How come I know this and you do not, nor do our legal beagles seem to understand that there is a very distinct difference between truth and religion? How is it that the ACLU has no concept of this difference either, and, as such, is not what one could call a credible organization?
The laws governing religion do not apply to the truth of the church. These same laws do not apply to the truth of the Bible in the classroom. It is religion that is not permissible, but the truth should be, as it has been, foundational to our nations, governments, courtrooms, and schoolrooms, including every law school of America.
Check it out Mr. Obama, and you will discover just how important the Bible was to the founder of the first college in America, John Harvard (1607-1638), founder of Harvard University. The founders of Harvard believed that all knowledge without Christ was vain.
In May of 1775 the president of Harvard, Samuel Langdon, addressed the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts, saying, “…By many, the Gospel is corrupted into a superficial system of moral philosophy, little better than ancient Platonism… My brethren, let us repent and implore the divine mercy. Let us amend our ways and our doings, reform everything that has been provoking the Most High, and thus endeavor to obtain the gracious interpositions of providence for our deliverance…. May the Lord hear us in this day of trouble ….We will rejoice in His salvation, and in the name of our God, we will set up our banners!”
Reference: America’s God and Country – Encyclopedia Of Quotations by William J. Federer.