Voice of the Kingfisher speaks out …from a different perspective
by Elinor Montgomery
May 23, 2013
If no one is responsible, then who is guarding the fort? It might be well worthwhile to figure out exactly how many taxpayers’ dollars have been spent on men and women who can’t remember a single thing about what they have been doing for the last four or five years as government employees.
It is hard to imagine a chief executive officer of a company calling one of the members of his staff into his office to question him regarding some hundred plus visits he had made to the White House on matters of official business. Now, presumably, the purpose of the questioning would be to inform the CEO about the staff activities of those hired and paid good money to do their jobs. The answer, which the CEO received from his staff member, was that he did not remember a single thing about these so-called important business meetings. However, his memory did not fail him on one of the visits, which involved his children and an Easter egg hunt held for them there. I wonder how long a successful CEO would continue to employ such a staff member. Is it likely he would be promoted or fired?
We, the people, hire the government in America. How much are we willing to hear from government staff workers who have no memory of the highly important work they were hired to do, before the lot of them is fired, with no bonuses and no severance pay? In many cases, where there is greater authority, there should, indeed, be criminal charges filed for abuse of office and for breaking the law, when there is proof of involvement in criminal activities. As in the case of a company, who should do the firing, if not the CEO, representing the President? Ultimately he has to answer to the Official Board and the shareholders, representing the voting population, for the success and failure of the company, representing the government, under his regime.
Let us take a look at the role Barack Hussein Obama has played as CEO of the government in the last five years. First of all, the principle of government, for the people and by the people, seems to have been overlooked and replaced by a government against the people by an overlord without birthright. He has surrounded himself with men of dubious backgrounds – some, former terrorists, bombers and killers, and others, communist sympathizers with a socialist agenda, all of whom come against the best interests of American businessmen who create the jobs.
This is a government, which gives tax dollar assistance to wind farms where 573,000 birds are killed, on an average, annually, but penalizes anyone who might accidentally kill a legally protected bird. This same person will not receive any legal support to plead his case, yet the survivor of the two young men who literally blew up people at the Boston Marathon, as an act of terror against the United States, received the support of not one, but a team of lawyers. These same young men also received over $100,000 of taxpayers’ money for support while they made their plans and home-made bombs of a sophisticated nature, all the while travelling on taxpayers’ dollars back and forth to Communist and Islamic countries.
Under the Obama regime, we find the IRS, only one of the many government agencies, goose-stepping to the doors of American citizens who have disagreed with Obama policies, to question them on matters of private interest only, which are not the business of government agencies. For example, private citizens have been grilled on such matters as their prayer life, their personal beliefs and their associations. Strangely enough, the IRS has admitted to such targeting of those who disagree with government policies, targeting in particular names on President Obama’s list of election enemies, yet claim they have never discussed such things with the President. Of course, the President, true to form, knows nothing about anything that is going on during his watch.
It would appear Obama has been right all along, over the last five years. Anything that has been done in the way of leadership was done by George Bush previously, whose rule has carried over, while Obama has recused himself from government leadership to the point of knowing nothing about what his subordinates are doing. Apparently, the government is being run without him, and he is right; George Bush seems to be the last one who took authority for government actions.
Important decisions, such as military back-up for American embassies during a war on terror, do not reach the Office of the Commander-in-chief, and furthermore, it does not seem to be his concern, when his political career is at stake. The very Americans who are representing Obama abroad are left to die fulfilling their duties, while he dances with the stars in his never-ending political drive for the Hollywood vote, no matter what the cost to American families and to those chosen to represent him within the borders of terrorist countries.
It would appear former President Bush has become the scapegoat for Obama’s complete lack of ability to accomplish anything during the tenure of his presidency, other than nation-destroying policies. They have taken America from star status, as a free and prosperous world leader among nations, to nothing more than a pathetic country on the brink of collapse, while its so-called leader panders to the enemy without and destroys the prosperity of the people within.
Is this know-nothing, see-nothing, do-nothing policy of Obama not all part of the bigger plan to destroy America’s uniqueness among nations and to drag her into the arms and control of the United Nations, with its ultimate goal of a One World Government? Is Obama really as stupid as he looks, or is he, in fact, not wilier than a serpent? Does he really not wear the head-gear of Pharaoh as he ships billions of dollars, along with war planes, to America’s enemy, Egypt, while refusing to wear any part of Uncle Sam’s uniform or carry the American flag?
He absolutely refuses to call Islamic terrorism what it is, which continues to cost the country American lives daily, as he allows the terrorists to creep into the land with his protection at the expense of the protection of the American people. He will be the first to shout “Allahu Akbar!” the sad day Islam takes over America, removes every semblance of her American heritage, and plants the flag of Islam, while forcing the Koran into every school and every home at the same time churches and crosses are being torn down forever, all over America.
Wake up, you foolish people. These are not just scandals involving the Obama administration; these are crimes against the American people and their heritage. He is not called Barack Hussein Obama for nothing. He is his father’s son and his heart is the heart of a Muslim. Is the United States going to allow itself to fall prey to an agenda that will change its face forever? There is no common ground between the horrors of Islam and the riches of the American heritage. Is anyone guarding the fort of western government in the United States?
“Oh, East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet.” (Reference: The Ballad of East and West, by Rudyard Kipling).