Voice of the Kingfisher speaks out …from a different perspective
by Elinor Montgomery
January 07, 2015
The works Jesus did bore witness of Him (see John 5:36). The Scriptures, which the Jews searched diligently, believing that in them they could have eternal life, testified of Jesus (see John 5:39). We are talking Old Testament here, for the gospels had not yet been written when Jesus spoke these words to the Jews gathered at the temple for one of their feast days.
Now, let us consider what Jesus is saying. He is declaring that the Old Testament Scriptures testify of Him. Certainly the New Testament is all about Him. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (see Revelation 19:10). The Word is the testimony of Jesus and it is given in the spirit of prophecy. Being the central figure of the Bible, we have received from His own mouth that the Bible is truth.
How is it possible that the church today is still ‘hashing it out’ over whether or not the Scriptures are truth? Either Jesus was a liar and a deceiver, or the Bible is truth. Their witness to this fact is found in their own nature, by which they point to Him 100% prophetically in every line upon line and precept upon precept, until every pattern, principle and precept is completed. If you were to read and dissect the book from beginning to end, you would find that you have the truth in your hand on every subject imaginable in this world. No religious book can lay claim to such a witness.
How is it then that Christians are still in disagreement over the sins of abortion and homosexuality? How is it so many of our cross-wearing Christians can claim to know better than Scripture what is right and wrong? Have they allowed religion to dictate to them, or do they listen to the word of truth? I find their piousness is often at odds with the truth of the Man they claim to worship and the Word, of which He claims is His flesh (see John 1:14). But then, Jesus said that many would come in His name; it would be another thing as to whether or not their hearts would be with Him.
Still, we read the secular meanderings of philosophers and commentators and will grant time and validity to what can often be the most uninspiring words of men, when we will not read or believe the Word of a God who holds the stars in His hand and needs no telescope to find or examine them. He can identify each and every one of the trillions upon trillions, without number, which exist out there.
Because all will be judged according to the truth in that day when God opens the books, only truth and the witness of Jesus remain in the final analysis. All judgment, to be fair and equitable, requires knowledge of the truth if our lives are judged by it. There is no argument to justify the notion that the Bible is not truth. Even Satan quotes Scriptures to distort the truth and create his counterfeit message of lies. Why in the world would our Bibles be on shelves collecting dust while we read the uninspiring words of man?
What is required of us is diligent, in-depth study of the Word and then its application to live a just life, which will reap eternal rewards. The Bible is food for the soul and nourishment for the heart. It certainly contains the light of understanding, which only a fool would reject for the darkness of secular and spiritual, ptomaine poisoning. Why would we ever take this Book of truth from our children to feed them men’s, poisonous agendas in its place?
If this is not enough to persuade us, we then have the miracles, with which to contend, working against the natural to produce the supernatural over and above all scientific answers that might account for them. The evidence of the supernatural happens daily as God alters the course of the natural, much to the consternation of many of our scientists who have no answers for this. The evidence is in, and it is beyond dispute that Jesus was a Miracle Worker. Was there ever any religious figure who rose from the dead or raised others from the dead in his own power?
Would you say this is refutable when the evidence of His resurrection was witnessed by hundreds of both believers and non-believers and by even the guards who sealed and guarded His tomb? When the blind could see and the lame could walk by merely His touch, then one is surely required to recognize His authority over the natural state of man and over his universe.
The prophets knew this and had understanding imparted to them by the testimony they had through the spirit of prophecy. Isaiah could have saved our scientists years of study, in fact centuries of it, by his disclosure that the world was round some 2000 years plus before the scientists and explorers were made aware of this fact (see Isaiah 40:22).
The prophets simply wrote the prophetic Word and had no inherent power to do so that was not given to them by the spirit of prophecy. Only God knows the beginning from the end and, fortunately, all that He created was good with no evil in it. The problems of this world are not initiated by Him. They come from the will of man to ‘go it alone’, without God, and that is when Satan enters into the picture to deny the truth and then counterfeit it. His biggest lie of all is that he doesn’t exist.
The injustice of his rebellious ways is what we are seeing being played out in our courts today, which no longer judge by the Law of God but rather by the laws of man. Religion now rules, rather than truth. This is exactly what charters of rights are intended to do – to give to man the right to live by his own laws and by his own ways, whatever they might be. By this means, the rule of God in truth is trumped by religious rights law.
The aim of a government, which introduces a charter of rights to its people, is to see that society will come to view the Law of God as a stumbling block, and an offense to their freedoms. They must be removed from a “religious rights” society, if it is to do away with the idea of man’s submission to the moral Law of God. They are in complete conflict with each other, for real liberty comes in keeping the Law. This is to say that unless we obey the laws of the road and drive only on the right side, as the law directs, then we most certainly could be heading for a deadly accident. This is the result of limited freedoms being thrown out the window in order to do whatever one wills and whatever makes one feel good, regardless of the consequences.
“And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one tittle of the law to fail (Luke 16:17).”
Jesus came to set the captives free from the spiritual control of Satan through religion (6), government (6) and economics (6) – the 666 control of the beast. We fools in America were brought here to be free of any government religion having the right to control our own lives. The government no longer determines what we can read, and whom we can worship. But in our back-sliding we are sitting back and watching, while our rights to liberty under God’s Law and the truth of Scripture, are being taken away in the name of Charters of Rights.
Our liberties in God’s Law and His form of justice are being given up, in order to make room for either Muslim Jihad or the Communist state, between which there is going to rage one mighty battle for control of the darkened nation of America. Can you believe that she, herself, is in the process of putting out the true Light of the world for religious murderers to rule in His place?
In fact, the Islamic killers murder by beheading for no other reason than taking religious control. Is it to them that we are willing to turn over our nation, so they can rid the nation of us? Do not think for a moment that they will not behead us too! If this happens, there will never again be separation of religion and state, a heritage for which our ancestors fought so hard to leave to us.
Please, do not insult my intelligence by arguments that they are just the radical Muslims who would do this. They in fact are the fundamentalist Muslims who do exactly what their religious Koran gives them the authority to do. They learn Jihad from their religious leaders in the mosques, which they have built all around the world. Any who do not believe in the Islamic doctrine of world control would be the true radical Muslims, and they are rarer than a friendly snake.
As the song says, we thought “the lights would go on again all over the world” when Hitler and Nazi Germany were defeated. But they did not do so, for it was a hollow victory for which our soldiers fought. Hitler only put in process the annihilation of the Jews of the nation, but once that is accomplished by Jihad then it will be for the true Jew of the spiritual nation for whom the killers will next come. The battle was not over in 1945; it had only begun.
Man has little or no understanding of what is going on as Christianity moves toward the gates of hell in a religious system, all of which will surely go down as it blends into the coming One World Order of religion. The true apostolic church will separate from it so the gates of hell cannot prevail against her, just as the Man of truth stated according to God’s Word. This will be the final exodus to which the former exodus of the nation from Egypt pointed prophetically in every way.
Wake up, foolish people, before it is too late! Jesus will return for His own to set up His kingdom here on earth with those who have chosen eternal life with Him in the perfect justice of God’s Law.
On the contrary, the religious will go the route of the religious road leading to destruction, by choosing to believe the lies of Satan in accepting liberalism from God, with a move to the left from the right hand of the Creator. There are only death and the gates of hell on the religious horizon; for these are the wages delivered for the sin of rebellion to God and His Word of truth.