Who Rules Over Canada?
Written by Elinor Montgomery – emontgomery@cogeco.ca
February 16, 2005
Who really rules over the two nations of America, and, speaking more specifically, over Canada? Is it the Queen, the Prime Minister of England, the Governor General, or even the Prime Minister? Is it our judiciary or our parliament that rules? The answer is no to each and every one of these. The majority of the people rules under God, and God’s Word is His justice. If we are commanded to pray for our rulers, we had better be praying for the righteousness of the people that they will not only exercise their authority, but also they will line it up squarely with God’s Word or Law. His Word lays the foundation for rightness in Him, and for victory in a nation. The righteousness of a nation depends solely on the feeding of the Word into the lives of its people. To eat the Word, so to speak, is to be taken into close relationship with God and His Son, drawn by the spirit of prophecy, which gives understanding. The teaching of His Word of truth is the single commission given to the church by Jesus. This is what it means to love one another – it is to lay down our own agendas for the commission of Jesus to His church, that our lives may be given as a sacrifice that others might be saved. Jesus wants us to open the gates of salvation to as many as possible, that they might be fished out of the grips of Satan and the evil of the sea. Salvation for a person and a nation is found in no other place, but in Him, and it is the apostolic church to which Jesus gave the keys to the kingdom, not to political pundits or to academia.
How does all of this affect us politically in this country? We need to go back to the book of Daniel for our answers and see what it was that caused Daniel and his three friends to change the course of a nation under the empire ruler-ship of the Babylonian system of the world. Here in Canada today, we are teetering on the brink between government under God in liberty and government under the Babylonian system of Satan in liberalism. They are the three systems of man – the economic, the political, and the religious systems that have the mark of the beast on them, the mark of man, which is 666. These systems of man are in direct opposition to liberty under God in the truth of His Word, which sets the moral boundaries of a nation. The whole world is moving toward the Babylonian system of captivity, in its religious/state-controlled rebellion of liberalism. But Israel and America were called out to be different and apart from religious controls in the liberty, which only comes through the Law of God. Israel failed miserably to keep God’s statutes, and the question is, whether or not Canada and America at large will also fail to be a light to the world for liberty in God?
We, the chosen people, are called to be like Daniel and his three friends, before time runs out, and the judgment of God falls on a sinful nation. We are to raise our voices in action, to show that we do not get into bed with the religions of this world, but rather serve the one true God, by living in accordance to His dictates and the rightness of His Word. Is our love for our brethren great enough that we will do this, even if it means being thrown into the lions’ den? Are we unafraid to walk through the fire, when the judgment comes, witnessing to the truth of Jesus, Who will be in our midst fully protecting us as were Daniel’s three friends protected from the heat of the oven? There was not even a hint of the smell of smoke on their clothing. Like these three men, the bride has the full knowledge that the judgment will not fall on her, the believing nation Israel, any more than it fell on them, and on the nation Israel, when God was getting ready to take her out of her captivity to Egypt.
The loyalty of Daniel and his friends in worshiping only the truth and distancing themselves from the idol worship of Babylon, eventually led to their voices being heard and respected by its rulers. Daniel was a voice that offered prophetic understanding to King Nebuchadnezzar. It was a time when Judah’s captivity to the empires of the world was just beginning, only to culminate with her captivity under the Antichrist in his One World Order. The king’s religious pride caused God to treat him exactly for what he was – a son of the beast, who was forced to live and eat like an animal. He was placed under a seven-year judgment, in the same way that man was, when he chose the beast over God, and God dressed him in skins to designate his beastly nature. For seven millennia God would see His creation as sons of the beast, coming under His judgment of death for their rebellion, like that of the king.
Canada and America at large have enjoyed the bounty of the land under God, but now we are ruling Him out, and, along with Him, out will go the bounty. Our lovely homes with their conveniences, our clean running water and our endless supply of every kind of food possible that is grown around the world, will all be taken away from us and given to others. The prophecy of the Bible tells us that the Babylonian system is going to fill the whole world. Satan’s desire is to be seated in the temple, built for God, and to be worshiped like the Most High God. He will enter into the Antichrist to become the last ruler of the fifth Empire of the Babylonian system that began with King Nebuchadnezzar. All of these rulers lay down the rules and controls for the worship of themselves and of idols.
We are assured of a replay of what took place in the book of Daniel, where the judgment of a seven-year period of tribulation is coming upon man, who has become like the beast of the field by choosing to be a son of the beast. Like Nebuchadnezzar, he will receive the same seven-years’ judgment, which is waiting in store for him for having rebelled to God, the Father of creation. The judgment will become increasingly severe until men are ready to conclude, that which the king concluded at the end of his seven years as a beast in the field. As his understanding returned, he praised and extolled and honored the King of heaven, saying all His works were truth and all His ways, justice. He came to the understanding of what the proponents of secular humanism will be concluding in the very near future. Academia, which struts in it prideful state, will come to know it is but a simple thing for the Lord of lords and the King of kings to abase the prideful. All mankind will come to the throne of Jesus and bow before Him, seated in all His glory. The only word, to which the prideful rulers of the nation will wish they had listened, will be the Word of truth, which had prophesied this moment in history, when the skirts of the harlot would be raised to reveal her shame.
Is there any hope for any nation in the world today to be free of liberalism? Yes, there is hope in America, as long as the voice of the people of God takes its rightful place in authority, and stands for God, in the same way as Daniel did in his day. There is hope if the rulers are able to hear and recognize the messenger, who is called to speak for God. There is hope if this voice distances itself from all religious authorities, which would seek to take her under submission to the religion of the Babylonian system with the mark of man on it, the mark of 666. Solomon, the builder of the religious temple, had the mark written all over him, economically, politically and religiously. He joined in with the world in each of the three systems, as the epitome of a ruler carried on a couch by his servants, wallowing in his wealth and position, but unable to capture the heart of the Shulamite, in order to take her away from her Beloved (see Song of Solomon). She would never have eyes for him or his vineyards, only for her Beloved and the true vine.
Is it possible to find a political party, in Canada, for which we can safely vote, knowing it will honor our heritage in God, and cause a great shaking within this land? Unfortunately, the answer is no. No party stands for our heritage in God and His Word by separating itself, like Daniel, from the Babylonian system of religion. For, in Jesus’ words, the leaven of the Pharisees will grow to fill the whole loaf. The liberalism of the Liberals and the NDP is rampant in their policies, which are quickly separating God and His Word from our cultural heritage. The Conservatives have come together embracing all the aspects of liberalism, afraid to stand on the truth of God’s Word. So they have nothing more to offer than confusion, being divided between God and man and divided amongst themselves, placing before us a political stew. The Bloc Quebecois is ruled by men still full of Romanism and, consequently, blinded to truth while being submitted to religion. The hatred of the French toward the English, still sits just beneath the surface, barely disguising their ultimate desire for separation and the destruction of Canada. For this, they are being paid by Canadian taxpayers’ dollars to sit in parliament, exercising their right to vote, which ultimately could lead to the break-up of the nation. Their cries have become a whisper at the moment, but the flare is still lit, like the warning signal of a disaster waiting to happen.
The last vestige of light rests within a little-known party called The Christian Heritage Party, the policies of which, though declared to be those that would return us to our heritage in God, have a fatal flaw in their roots. The party has allied good policies with religion, and in so doing, has opened the door, like Judas, to the kiss of death. They come claiming the name of Jesus in the land, but have not separated from the religion of today’s Pharisees. You cannot serve two masters, but they have chosen to try to do so and, unfortunately, liberalism, by the nature of the beast, has an open door to permeate their ranks. The wily serpent has done it in the past, and will continue to enter through the doors that have the mark of 6 on them. Until this party separates from the Nicolaitan system and makes our Canadian heritage in God and His Word their only heritage plan, then it is ultimately doomed like all the others. It will eventually become nothing but another party of full-blown liberalism, if, indeed, it survives at all.
A voice like that of Daniel, raised only in truth that brings with it understanding, is the only hope for Canada. It cannot be a moral, renewal voice, nor can it be a band-aiding voice, that is willing to accept the ills of our present judicial system, using the Charter of Rights to legislate power into the hands of minorities. The voice can only speak as if it were that of a true Governor General for God, the one who represents the Supreme Ruler over Canada. Its job will be to advise wisely as His spokesperson like the prophets and lobbyists of old, and specifically like Daniel. Only God can appoint His messenger and cupbearer and never can it be an appointment by man. Hence, our present-day appointment of Governor General is a poor choice for Canada, as is our allegiance to a royalty that is allied with Druidism and spiritual harlotry. The king-to-be and the Queen of England, are no different from Nebuchadnezzar. The first two, a would-be-ruler, and a Queen of an old, defunct empire, have both become puppets for Satan on the world stage, just as Nebuchadnezzar was such in his empire that finally failed, like all the empires of man have failed. We, the people, are blessed as the real rulers in a democracy over which God is enthrone, ruling in the rightness of the Law given to Moses, leaving no place for the King Sauls of this world in this Israel of America. Our liberty depends on one thing; we must return to Him and to our rightful heritage in truth. Our prayers should be for the this voice to rise up, and our elected representatives would once again listen to the voice of the people. We have had enough bullying tactics from those who are supposed to be defending our heritage, instead of ruling like little dictators.
Multiculturalism is the abomination of this nation, having dared to set up shop in a land whose heritage is in God. It would be better labeled ‘multicultism’. It could not have happened if God’s people had chosen to be like the Shulamite, having eyes only for her Beloved and not for Solomon and his multicultural marriages. Marriage is the issue in this land, and if we want a city of refuge for the days ahead, which Bible prophecy tells us will be bleak, indeed, then rulers had better begin listening to the right voices. Those voices are the ones, which have not joined with the apostasy of a religious priesthood and the apostasy of a nation.
Let us hear a clear clarion sound in Zion. We are like Daniel and his three friends, being the only voice for the God of Israel within the captivity of Babylon. We are like the voice of the apostles, the only Voice commissioned by Jesus to speak for Him as His messengers, taking the message to all the world. It was a world, which was in captivity to Romanism then, and to this day is in the same captivity of both Babylonianism and Romanism. It is time for the Voice of the Kingfisher, the Fisher of men, to rise up and be heard at the same time as the revived Roman Empire is being put into place. It will be the bride versus the Antichrist all the way, and you will have to make your choice. Will you have ears to hear her call, and will you have the freedom and power of conviction that comes with that of Daniel and of Paul and the eleven others?