Teach The Children About God
Written by Elinor Montgomery – emontgomery@cogeco.ca
March 25, 2000
(Proverbs 3:1-10) My son, do not forget my law, but let your heart keep My commands; for length of days and long life and peace they will add to you. Let not mercy and truth forsake you, bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart and so find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones. Honor the Lord with your possessions and with the first fruits of all your increase, so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine.
What is the number one problem in this nation of Canada today? It is not found in the rise or fall of the economy, but it is found in the degree to which God rules and is known in the land. The children do not know the Father. We have taken away from them the authority, discipline, and honor that should be accorded to parents and teachers alike, along with a respect for the law, as we teach them about our heavenly Father’s authority over His children. To take God out of any one aspect of our society, leads to an ever increasingly undesirable society in which to live.
Why would we wonder what causes the violent and rebellious nature of our children today? Why is it that we are surprised when teenagers open gunfire upon their fellow students in the classrooms? Why is it we are surprised when a six-year old has a gun in school and shoots another young child to death? Is it surprising that a three-year old wields a knife to threaten another three-year old in nursery school? Just what kind of direction is being given to these children that permits such behavior to happen? When the leaders and judges of this land began removing the Biblical foundation for the law and removing biblical teachings of the Bible from the classroom, the peaceful, blessed nature of this country began to disintegrate. The door was opened for Satan to bring in his agenda of pornography, violence, and explicit sexuality, all leading to the breakdown of the family, and all part of his plan for the ultimate breakdown of the nation. When God’s laws for His people are ignored, and when His hand of protection is removed, not only will we see an increasingly violent, morally corrupt society rise up, but we ultimately will see the destruction of a nation as the government of liberalism will replace the government of liberty, and along with this, we will lose all the freedoms that we have held so dear. We cannot escape the judgment of God, as He allows us our freedom from obedience that we so desire, with the resulting curses that He said would come with the breaking of the covenant of His law.
The one and only way for Canada to remain the beautiful land of blessings that she has been in the past, is to return to Christ and the Word as our source of strength and protection. We must return the children to the Father, so that future generations might grow in wisdom and in the knowledge of the Lord. No nation can or will survive that takes the Word of God away from the children. It was stated by a nineteenth century French philosopher, who made a study of what was basic to the strength of America as a nation, that it came from the people’s faith in God as a church-going, believing people, whose pulpits were aflame with righteousness. It has been shown all through the Old Testament that the blessings and strength of Israel as a nation were directly and equally proportionate to her worship of, trust in and obedience to God the Father, and that as she moved away from worshipping only Him to embracing various forms of idolatry, so too would the nation become subject to the His judgment. It has been shown throughout history that all great empires eventually become corrupt societies from within, and as such, their empirical strength and power begin to fail.
Until the children of Canada are returned to the kind of schooling that they once had, in which there were Bible teachings and prayer, then we will continue to see the breakdown of the nation. God will continue to allow Satan to play havoc in the land. Our universities have become hotbeds of secular humanism, which warp minds by rejecting the notion of truth, which is found only in the Word of God. Our courtrooms are continually ruling against what is best for the children, by granting rights to those who desire to harm these same children by allowing them special rights to inflict upon the little ones teachings that endorse immoral lifestyles by considering them to be acceptable alternatives. Children daily are becoming victims of the media, with its 24 hours pornography programming, polluting not only the minds of the children, but also having a major effect on the priesthood and the average Christian churchgoer today. How can we teach the children if we are unwilling to control the attack of this media pollution?
People of God, rise up. Come together as the bride in one strong voice to the nation. Give life, understanding and wisdom back to our children, which only the true Word of God can impart. Let us clean up the filth of this nation, as we again see the blessing of peace and true beauty come back into the land, with the hearts of our children once more beating in tune with the heart of the Father. Let violence reign no more, as death gives way to life. Come Holy Spirit, come! Fill us with your power and return this land back to Christ.