Allowing ‘Offenses’ to Shoot Down Our Heritage
Written By Elinor Montgomery –
October 9, 2005
How long are we, as Canadians, going to tolerate foreigners coming into this land and referring to the principles of our hard earned heritage as being offenses to their religious sensibilities? Are we not sick to death of such ballyhoo from people escaping controlling religious regimes, for the most part, to seek a better life, which is offered in Canada? Before their feet have barely touched Canadian soil, the process of using the Charter of Rights is begun to alter our heritage and our laws in order to accommodate their perceived rights at the expense of our own rights.
The first challenges, inevitably, are God and the Bible, our Supreme Ruler in this land and our standard for Truth, basic to our justice system. America is a land of liberty, only because we were set free from religious controls, to become two nations under God and the truth of His Word. The Bible is our heritage, and the only Holy Book there is or ever will be, since it is not a book of religious man-made rules and regulations like the Koran and the Talmud.
The Bible is the only source for truth, supernaturally given and written by men under the influence of the Holy Spirit, with prophecy woven into every page and every word, interlocking perfectly throughout centuries of many writings by different writers. It is not truth because I say it is, nor because I believe it to be so, for the truth has nothing to do with what I or anyone else believes. It is truth because it self validates itself with perfect inerrant prophecy, a great deal of which has been and is being fulfilled presently, without error centuries after the fact. No other book can lay claim to such prophecy. This is what makes it supernatural and Holy.
It is because we have recognized this fact in the past that we had a good degree of justice in this land. It has been available to all, not because of any Judeo-Christian doctrines, but rather because of the Word of God standing upon itself, separate and apart from religious doctrinal issues. Judaism had nothing at all to do with our heritage and though nearly ninety-nine percent of the settlers were classed as Christians, we rejected church controls of Anglicanism, Romanism or any other ‘ism’ ruling over us, for that matter.
Instead, we chose God and the Word as having supreme ruler-ship in place of the religions that ruled over the countries from which we came. Ruth Gledhill, religious correspondent for The Times (UK), stated in her Online writing dated October 5, 2005 that the Catholic Church no longer swears by the truth of the Bible. You can readily see that this same institutional church, representing a major part of Christianity, cannot be equated to our Canadian heritage, which is in total opposition to such doctrine.
Though they were not necessarily men of strong Christian faiths who wrote our North American constitutions, they were men, nevertheless, who put God and the Bible at the center of them. The first prayer, during the first Congressional Assembly, lasted for a total of three hours. Congressmen offered prayers regardless of their degree of faith, setting the standard for America and recognizing that it was God in Whom they trusted, and not Allah or Buddha.
When we accepted the idea that someone could come into this country and, because of his/her privately held religious beliefs, could pit them against our very symbol of justice, the Mounted Police, we began the slide down the slippery slope of heritage bashing. The Charter of Rights became the method used to perpetrate minority acts of treason against the people of Canada. In the above case one person’s religious belief system took precedence over the rule of the Word of God, which endorses no such cultic religion, but allows it free expression within limits that do not come against our heritage in God.
Our very heritage, which separated Canadian democracy from the religious squabbling of the religiously controlled governments of the Eastern nations of the world, came under attack at that moment. We failed our nation miserably by allowing a religious turban to replace the ‘Mounties’ hat’, part of the symbol of the Mounted Police and our justice system, which is different from those of the East. It greatly ‘offends’ me as a Canadian under God to have seen our elected members allow this to happen because they were afraid of that monster called ‘Political Correctness’. They allowed themselves to be beaten into party submission rather than to represent the voice of the electorate on this issue.
It could most certainly have been stopped at that point of growing ‘rights madness’ and ‘minority offenses’. It was then that we should have united as Canadians and rejected any such action. Treason should not be an option for immigrants to dismantle our liberties and freedoms in order to give them the right to determine our country’s destiny. Our heritage was laboriously earned and paid for by men and women who wanted God and decency in their lives, and the lives of their descendants. My family was part of that process, and though they founded a large Christian denomination in this country, for which they would feel nothing but shame today, they also helped to establish our heritage in God, and not in religion.
I don’t want to see a Catholic pope ruling over this land any more than I want to see the Archbishop of Canterbury, with his pagan practices, having any authority to destroy God or the truth of the Bible in Canada. For that matter, the Queen and her heirs have no position in ruler-ship if they try to remove the supremacy of the one God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob from our constitution, by trying to inject cultic gods into His place.
Our freedom, at this moment in Canada, depends on whether or not we are going to tolerate treason against God and His Law. It all boils down to how far we are willing to go in allowing immigrants to use the Charter of Rights to commit treasonous acts against Canadians. At present, they are being endorsed by treasonous leaders, who no longer are following God’s Law and the justice of the Bible. Sad to say, these are, for the most part, nominal Christians, who are leading us down the garden path and into the fast track of multiculturalism, causing the death of a once great nation.
When we are willing to allow a man such as Svend Robinson, a self-declared mentally ill and greatly disturbed person who is also a common thief, to change the direction of this country, by introducing legislation to remove God and His Law, then we have become a very sick society, indeed. The very idea that any member of parliament would endorse such trash is shocking enough. But for this man to be given some sort of status that sets him above the Law in allowing him to go free as a privileged and tired member of parliament and as a confessed criminal, is nothing short of disgraceful, and a miscarriage of justice in the land. At the same time, we allowed the lies of liberalism to tear apart a good and decent man of substance, such as Stockwell Day, who in all likelihood would have defended our heritage against such attacks, and at the very least, would have bent his ear to hear the voice of the electorate.
Our own sickness has become evident by our behavior and response to this situation, as a people who no longer care about the moral condition of the nation. Is it the alleged sickness of Svend Robinson, or is it his wiliness, manifesting itself in his leadership of the homosexual agenda, which has deceived a whole nation into believing his lies and allowing his thievery to far exceed that of a $50,000 gold ring? He must bear the responsibility for the theft of the institution of marriage, reducing God’s ordained union to a ridiculous sham. His demonic leadership is manifested in other ways such as his support for the right to kill the handicapped and the elderly, not by removing tubes and allowing nature to take its course but, rather, by injection and assisted suicide.
If that is not enough, he is the mastermind, feeble and all as he tells us his mind is, behind the agenda for seeing our children indoctrinated with classroom teachings, which tell them an unhealthy life style can be equated to a healthy one. It would appear that he has his wits about him enough to know, as did Hitler, that to make the children the target of indoctrination, a nation of spiritually controlled people can be created within one generation. We are seeing this now in the behavior and understanding of our young people in Canada toward evil.
Where is the gumption of Canadians who will stand up to the treason of pseudo-Canadians who are bent on turning America into just another land of cults and witchcraft, like the ones from which they have come? Rebellion against God is called witchcraft. Does Harry Potter not fill the hearts of the children, because of media hype and school programs, which offend me, every bit as much as our Bible offends some of our immigrants? The issue is that my offense is caused by the evil, which would destroy our heritage in the land, while their offenses are taken against the good things that would perpetuate the heritage of the nation.
The stubbornness of our rulers and their fast-tracking in taking this nation into iniquity and idolatry, are a result of liberalism fanning the fires of multiculturalism, which is at loggerheads with our heritage. Make no mistake, many immigrants come here, thinking that residence in this land gives them the right to inflict their religious practices and cultures on us, going all the way to the Supreme Court, when necessary.
Through legal manipulation of the law, they slowly are taking over the land by using our newly emerging liberal laws, made by biased judges who no longer interpret the law, but rather rule it into existence in accordance with their biases. Such laws are forcing Canadians into giving up their majority rights so that the rights of the foreign minority groups can take precedence over them. It is the wicked and treasonable liberalism of our rulers and the media, which promote such injustices against our own people. This disgraceful leadership runs directly against the wishes of Canadians, as revealed by reliable polls.
I am greatly offended by the actions and caliber of the judiciary. In fact, it is so offensive in this land that it smells from sea to sea, from the smallest kangaroo courts, right through to the highest court in the land, the Supreme Court. I have personally listened to a former Supreme Court judge speak at Queen’s University to impressionable young law students. In her speech, she recommended that they stand for their biases, with which they are being bombarded in their classrooms in the ridiculous name of tolerance. At the same time, they are not taught or allowed to even consider the truths of the Bible, upon which our justice system is based. Have we not got a major problem of contradictions here?
This country is greatly in need of spiritual cleanup, along with an immigration policy that closes the doors to anyone who will not swear on or recognize the authority Canadians place on the truth of the Bible. Entering this land means recognizing our heritage and upholding our laws, and they are not the laws of the countries from which the immigrants have come.
Oh for a Cromwell today, with my prayer being that God will raise up such a person of substance to rule over this land! The stench of liberalism is so thick and offensive to my nostrils that I can only imagine how offensive it is to the nostrils of God, our Ruler and Lawgiver.
If New Orleans has just seen His judgment, then I can only say, “Canada, wake up, for your hour is quickly drawing nigh.” When the judgment comes, we will wish we had never heard of Trudeau, his liberal crew around him or his Charter of Rights. All put together, they have just fallen short of allowing the religious offenses of the ‘rights claimers’ to ruin our nation.
Soon, America will be nothing more than Egypt was, and you and I, the faithful believers in God and His Word, will be as the slaves of Israel were to Pharaoh. Evil spirits are pouring into this land to engulf it and to take it into bondage of the worst kind. God will simply say in words similar to those spoken to Israel, “You wanted foreign gods in your land instead of Me, and so I will give them to you. But remember, I offered you years to humble yourselves before Me, and to repent, and you would not do so. Now the door is about to be closed, at which time mercy will no longer be an option.”