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Former Prophetic Message 2016 – Make Straight The Way with Truth and Righteousness

Make Straight the Way with Walls of Truth and Righteousness

Written by Elinor Montgomery –

January 02, 2016


Church! It is time either to make straight the way or fall off the way and into the dark pit to which the broad road beneath leads. The church of Jesus Christ was always the way to the kingdom, just as Jesus declared Himself to be the way, the truth and the life. He also declared that the gates of hell would not prevail against His church.


The way is the foundation of truth upon which the ark of the covenant traveled through the wilderness, under the leadership of the pre-incarnate Jesus. He began the long journey with man to re-establish kingdom rule on earth the day the Garden was closed on the east side, after God drove man out of it and eastward. Together they have traveled through the dark and darkest of times on the way back to the garden paradise.


This is not a fast, simple or easy route, but in Him one has sure footing. It is a very long journey forward to a time when the lies of the serpent fill the entire world, which will willingly accept the lie while, at the same time, it will reject the truth. 


How does a man like Ben Carson get elected to the Office of the President in such a time as this when even a country under God will reject God, His truth and His Law of life and blessing? Instead, it is quite willing and happy to elect a pair of consummate liars and sexually immoral people who carry on with large, sinister smiles and an affable, hail-fellow-well-met type of façades, which the media aids in their designs on the public.


What actually happened in the Garden? It was God’s perfect design of the church of the universe on earth – the spiritual center vested in the body of man, the temple and co-partner in the government of God. He was to be the supreme Ruler, Protector and Provider for His church, so that all could function perfectly and in harmony with the throne in heaven, far above earth, but as close as the hearts and thoughts of man. 


All things blended into a harmony of oneness, with the power source and connection coming from the light. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world (John 8:12).” Herein is found the kingdom paradise on earth, which provides nothing short of constant joy, happiness and contentment for man in a perfect relationship with God. One could say that the church was on the perfect power grid from above, having no worries about the power ever failing.


The ever-present devil showed up with his evil intentions for man whom he seeks to devour with the lie and his appeal to the lures of the flesh, combined with that thing called pride of self. Where did he come from? He is the fallen angel, Lucifer, driven out of heaven and down to earth, along with a third of the angels of heaven, which followed him, as they fell like stars falling across the sky. They are now the fallen spirits of evil, which roam the earth, seeking whomever they can destroy. 


They have been released in God’s wilderness training ground, here on earth, to toy with those on the way with Jesus, who are traveling back through the wilderness to the restored garden kingdom again on earth. They are free to challenge the men and women of the way, to pull them from the path and into the darkness of the broad road leading to that bottomless pit of hell. 


Once they have captured as much of the world as possible by robbing men of the light, then they would be chained for one thousand years in the bottom of the seawaters, the source waters of all evil spirits. This will be during the peaceful kingdom rule of the Son of Man and the Son of God who came down from above to save mankind. However, those saved will choose to live by truth and not by the lies of the belief systems called religion, first offered to Eve, and accepted by both the woman and the man, when they rejected the truth of God in the Garden. 


At that moment the foundation was laid for man to rule over himself in the godless, self-ruled governments of the nations, compromised by the religion of Satan, to become the empires of this world leading ultimately to a world empire of nations, with the stronger ruling over the weaker. To this Babylonian system one can add the third 6 of the number 666, which identifies the beast, with the economic system of controls imposed by the gold standard of merchandizing. Today, we call it world free trade.


Now you have the unholy three, the religion of lies, the government control through might, along with the economic controls of merchandizing through world trade and the sale of that for which one labors. This is the world system by which man is enslaved and caught in the spirit of death. 


It is at this point where lust kicks in, and Satan presents to man the things for which he lusts. Then he promises them to him in this world, in the here and now, causing him to believe there are no rewards awaiting anyone in heaven. Take it now and enjoy it for this is all there is! This is the message, which leads to the final rejection of God’s provisions, provided for man in a garden, in which all things were created good.


Something very important had been left out of the persuasive argument of Satan. He ignored the fact that food only grew from the ground under perfect conditions provided by God. Satan has absolutely no control over such natural events, which God can use for the sake of judgment. No rain, no water, no grain, no human life – this is the ‘trump’ card resting in God’s right hand, His ultimate power to chastise His people.


And so it is that the satanic ways of the world empires were established to make the devil the ruler over man and the adopted father of the religious men who want to ally themselves with the governments of the world as opposed to the government plan of God. 


God’s little nation, Israel, was His plan for the separation of His people, whom He chose to be His nation, which He would redeem and restore to Himself in a process by which God would take back His kingdom rule on earth. It would require a new Adam-like, begotten Son of Man and Son of God – begotten of the Spirit, rather than created by it. This was necessary to satisfy God’s righteous nature and His truth about the necessary death and blood sacrifice of man for having sinned against Him. 


Man accepted the lies of religion in order to be liberated from God in what we call liberalism, today. At the point of his sin, man lost his power to reason against the lie, for he no longer had the ability to gain understanding through reason and truth. The two are the twin children of wisdom. All man was left with was a cult and a culture of death, the constant partners of the multiculturalism of the nations, invading this country of North America.


Cults live by the sword to steal the lifeblood from those who trust in the life given by the light of the world and the truth of His flesh. His blood was shed for us, in place of our blood, as He paid the price for us, so we, too, could share in the resurrected eternal life, emanating from the tree of life, called Jesus. The call is now spreading out across the world to finish the job of eliminating the only two nations this world has ever known, which have made God supreme Ruler over them, Israel and America, each nation divided into two parts of North and South. 


Within both nations, Jesus has chosen to establish His true church in the north, in the Galilee, where He laid the foundation of the church and, in America, in the north, in Canada, where He will restore His church to her rock-solid, apostolic foundation of truth. The early, apostolic church was only the pattern and principle for the precept, which is the latter days, revived apostolic church. Both parts must be complete before the kingdom is established on earth – rid of the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie. No dogs or sorcerers will be found in this kingdom (see Revelation 22:15).


And so the body becomes the temple, which the enemy can cut down with the sword, but cannot pierce the soul saved by the Lord. God can so simply put flesh back on the bones for He is the Creator who can dance again with His bride whom He, Himself, saved on the cross and is just awaiting her resurrection. This will happen when evil has come to the boil stage of lancing by the sword of truth coming like a sharp sword from the mouth of the Lord, with which He will strike the nations and rule them, Himself, with a rod of iron (see Revelation 19:15). 


At this point in time, the seven empires of Satan will be seen no more as the last of the seven, the Revived Roman Empire, will go down with the devil to the bottom of the sea. It will carry all the unsaved with it, just as the Titanic, which felt the breath of God turn water to ice before it went down on that fateful night when the moon above shone so brightly reflecting the light of the sun, along with a sky full of stars.


It is time for the church to make straight the way and return the hearts of God’s children to the heart of the Father. Who is your father? Are you in sight of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, or have you fixed your sight on the tree of life? The choice between a church of truth and a church believing the lie rests right in the heart of your temple. Choose wisely, for the fire is smouldering among the trees and dynamite rests all around them just ready to explode.


Long ago man gave up his safe place in truth to embrace the lie. Don’t do it again, now that the Lord of truth and life has offered you the supreme gift of life and His right hand to lead you safely along the way guarded by walls of righteousness and truth. There can be no religion, absolutely none, within the walls built for protection in the same manner as Nehemiah strove so hard to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, all those centuries ago, as the former cupbearer of the king of the Persian Empire. The Triumvirate of Three, which has always been one for all, now also will become all for one. His name is Jesus, and He is mine, but He also can be yours. 


Church, it is time! Either make straight the way or you will fall off the way and into the bottomless pit. The church of Jesus Christ has always been ‘the way’, just as Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. There is no other way and it is time to stop treating religions as though they are one and the same as truth. There is only one God of truth and there is no other. His name is Jesus.


It is well worth remembering that of all the people who attacked Jesus, both verbally and physically, they were consistently the religious priesthood of His day. It is happening again. He is becoming the target of the religious priesthood, which is taking a stance against the Word of God, to respect religion and religious rights over the truth. It is not religion, but rather truth, which is the very essence of the Bible that our American ancestors used as their foundation for both the judicial system and the educational system, along with a government that prays to the God of truth. 


Religion is the foundation of the death culture of the Garden, which caused the downfall of Adam and Eve, along with every man, woman and child born into the religious heritage of death. Religion can save no one, and is not worthy of the respect of any believer on the name of Jesus. 


“Out of Egypt I called My Son (Hosea 11:1).”


With that statement the Lord spoke into the future of the church, and her need to make her own exodus from the Egypt of this age. I speak of the last religious empire, which is about to engulf this world in a One World Religion, as part of the plan of the devil and not of Jesus. Beware Christians, that you are not trapped in the ‘tolerance and respect’ mantra for religion! 


“Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues (Revelation 18:4).”


Make straight the way with walls of truth and righteousness.