The Floods of Judgment
Written by Elinor Montgomery –
September 24, 2005
The question one must ask regarding the hurricanes is whether or not they have brought with them the floods of God’s judgment upon America. There is only one place where the answer can be found, and it is in the Book of Truth. No book self-validates itself by prophecy fulfilled, other than the Bible.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep (Genesis 1:1-2). It followed that God brought forth light and divided the waters, which were under the firmament from those, which were above, and then He divided the dry land, or earth, from the seas. This was good, and as it should be, for He declared it so. Now, if it were by the hand of God that the dry land and the seawaters covering over the darkness of the deep were separated, then by whose hand do you think they could be brought back together again, when the dark waters come in over the land?
If one has any doubts in this matter, one only has to look to Noah and to the words of Jesus, which He spoke concerning Noah. The Word of Truth tells us the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence (Genesis 6:11). Then God told us exactly what He was going to do about the situation. “And behold, I Myself am bringing the flood of waters on the earth” (Genesis 6:17). Please take note that there was no mention of the involvement of any mythical creature, such as Mother Nature.
At the very same moment the rains of judgment poured down on the world, the salvation of Noah, his family and the animals in the ark took place, when they were delivered from the judgment of the flood. In God’s infinite knowledge of His creation, He had not missed the fact that Noah was a just man, perfect in his generation, who walked with God. The rest of all flesh, in which was given the breath of life and the light from God, was doomed to die. Because of the spirit of evil that had entered into man with sin, the children of his seed, which could not produce good fruit, were as deserving of death as were their fathers. Man had rejected the light so that he might return to the darkness from which the dust of creation had been separated. It was man, not God, who chose to return to it, by reversing the process of creation.
Jesus had these words to say about the latter days, when He would return to earth: “But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be”(Matthew 24:37).
Let us examine the situation around us in the world today. Are we seeing the signs of which Jesus spoke, the signs of His coming and the end of the age? Are we hearing of wars and rumors of wars? Are nations rising against nations, and kingdoms against kingdoms? Are there famines, pestilences and earthquakes in various places? They tell us that the scale or graph for the increase in earthquakes in this past century alone is going straight up and off the top of the chart. My friends, are we hearing and seeing these things, and are these just the beginning of sorrows?
From Ellen (Degeneres or degenerate?), and the rest of the sickness and filth that pour out of the television, to the streets of New Orleans with its Southern Decadence, which can only be described as a lewd display of man’s depravity, we are seeing the signs of moral decline, which precede the fall of a nation. America is about to come under the same judgment of God that came upon her sister, the nation, Israel, for she is a nation in covenant with Him, as Israel was before her. The words, “And He shall have dominion from sea to sea”, and “In God we trust”, are not only being ignored and rejected, but they are being challenged by courts, which are no longer courts of justice, functioning within their designated parameters.
No city in America better pictured the malaise and decay of the nation than did New Orleans, a capital of homosexuality, witchcraft, prostitution and gambling, only to name the obvious. And who were flocking to partake of her wares, if not the ‘good people’ of America, who are predominantly religious Christians, according to recent polls? But are these not the same ‘good people’ who are called to witness to the truth of Jesus’ gospel?
The cold hard facts seem to be that religion witnesses to Satan’s belief systems and not to the truth of Jesus, while the true church, separating itself from the religious crew, witnesses to the truth of the Bible. For them, the very idea that they might be linked to the institutions of denominational Christianity, a form of religion that arose out of Romanism and was never mentioned by Jesus, would be treated with disdain, the same disdain Jesus held for the religion of the Pharisees. The true church knows well the difference between the institutional churches of religion and the apostolic church, which Jesus established.
So, if these floods are of God’s judgment, what about the good and innocent people being caught in the judgment? There are no ‘good, innocent people’, for all men are doomed in sin to die. It is only through God’s mercy that any are saved. God sent His Son, Jesus, and gave us His Word to offer us a second chance at life – not that we deserved it, but because He loved us, who, in turn, showed no love for Him, our Creator. He simply said that if we believed on His name, we could be saved.
America was given to a Puritan group of people coming out of the religion of the dark ages and into the light of the Word. They produced a people and a nation who chose to form a government in covenant with God and free of religious controls. In Canada, we managed to do the same thing, though we were plagued with Romanism from the start. His laws were our laws, and we were called to be a light to the world of liberty in His Law and justice that stood on His Word. We were given the vote that made the people rulers over the nation with the right to keep God and His Word in the government, the courtrooms and the schoolrooms.
But then the time came when we elected leaders who began the breakdown of God’s ruler-ship over the nations with such men as Pierre Trudeau, Joe Clarke, Jean Chrétien, Paul Martin, Svend Robinson, Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy, to name but a few. Their mantra was ‘special rights for the few at the expense of the majority’ until liberalism pushed us to the point where we have nearly lost our liberty and freedom of speech in this once glorious land.
With the rejection of God, America lost His hand of bounty and protection. She is no longer a light to the world, any more than Israel was, before God drove her from the Land. It is time for us to wake up to the signs by recognizing God’s judgment for what it is, and then stop trying to rebuild the evil of New Orleans instead of returning God to His rightful position as Lord over this land. If we fail to do so, then tighten your seat belts and get ready for the bumpy ride ahead.
We seemed to have caught a glimmer of God’s judgment in the felling of the twin World Trade Towers of New York, when we saw Congress run to the steps of the federal building to indulge in public prayer, which they had denied by law to the children in the classrooms. At the same time, the corrupt leadership of Canada called on the name of God, but no repentance was heard anywhere for the wickedness of the nation. We have lost the words of Isaiah, even though God brought them to light again, in all of their perfection, with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in this past century. “But your iniquities have separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear” (Isaiah 59:2).
Hypocrisy abounds as we watch our ridiculous leaders flaunting their foolishness, while all the world laughs at them. How dare we try to bring other nations to our brand of democracy when we haven’t even defended it in our own land! We have allowed the onslaught of eastern religions to permeate and destroy our liberty in God’s Law and the truth of His Word. No religious book, such as the Koran, can replace the truth. It was religion in compromise with Romanism that put Jesus to the cross as He took the sins of our idolatry upon Himself.
God is now saying to us, “Wake up America; I am bringing back the seawater over the land to show what happens to you when you choose to reverse the works of creation by rejecting the light for darkness.” Why are we shocked when our children are violent and rebellious without the truth of the Bible in their lives, and without any form of discipline? Why are we shocked by family breakdown when immoral sexual acts are continually flaunted on the television and taught to our children in the classrooms? Why are we shocked when cities are judged by God for being the moral cesspools of society that they are?
Abraham saw the smoke of Sodom rising on the horizon, ascending like the smoke of a furnace. It was only for the sake of Abraham that God saved Lot, for in himself he was not a good and righteous man. He always had his heart set on the wickedness of the East, with his sight on Sodom from the start. He barely escaped the fire of judgment, only to get drunk and partake in incestuous sexual acts with his daughters. Together, they produced nations, which eventually would become the enemies of Israel. Was Abraham encouraged by God in any way to go along to Sodom and help restore that evil city? Do you believe He wants America to get her big machinery in place and start rebuilding New Orleans again, after He has just cleared the evil out of a city, left in total destruction?
Perhaps it is time for God’s people to repent and start to purify themselves before the coming judgment. Would our efforts not be put to better use by being a voice for God to the Sodom of America, instead of offering to help Satan rebuild it? God has driven the evil of a city out by the waters, but there is still time for repentance before the finality of the fire judgment comes down. What are you going to do about it, people of God? Are you going to lead them back into the city, or are you going to offer the truth, which will set the captives free?
As surely as we are standing on the dry ground of America, we will see the smoke rising from her cities, just as we saw it rising in New York, as a warning of what lies ahead for her. This land has but one path opened to it, by which it can avoid the coming judgment. We need to elect strong leaders who will lead the nation into repentance for its wicked ways and then return it to its covenant with God. Time is running out with the choice being ours to make.