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Former Prophetic Message 2003 – Who is the Christ of Christianity?

Who Is The Christ of Christianity?

Written by Elinor Montgomery –

January 25, 2003


Who is the Christ of Christianity? Does He have any resemblance to Jesus of the New Testament? We need to look at the word Christianity to see what it means. It is a religious term used to describe a religion, broken down into many components and denominations, having different doctrines and different theologies. In fact, many of the denominations are not only at variance with each other, but also are at loggerheads over what it is and who it is that is being worshipped.


Today, some Christian theological colleges function and teach almost totally outside of the foundational truths of the Word. Certain traditional Christian churches will now deny the divinity of Jesus. Certain denominations are even rewording the scriptures to change God the Father into God the mother. These same denominations, if asked if Jesus were correct in saying He is the way, the truth and the life, would be unable to answer the question. The answer would show them up for what they really believe, for it would force them to call Jesus a liar, and at this point, their whole system of religious practices and theology would fall apart. They could not be identified as having any similarity to the true apostolic church that Jesus founded, of which He was the chief cornerstone. Jesus no longer is necessarily the cornerstone of the Christian institutional churches of today. To say such a religious system is the heritage of our land is a complete fallacy. 


Christianity is nothing more than a system of religion that can alter with the times, as do all religions. Most forms of Christianity will find themselves becoming compatible with the new One World Order of Religion that no longer is a pipe dream on the horizon, but rather is a fact in progress. Allegiance to such a system would be very dangerous for the person who believes in the truth of the Bible and in Jesus as our Saviour and Redeemer. Make no mistake, the voice of God from heaven can be heard crying out in Revelation 18:4 – Come out of her my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. And what plagues are those? They are the plagues that shall plague the world in these end days as the two women are rising up. One is the bride of Jesus, and the other is the harlot of the Antichrist. The bride is the true church now in labor, birthing true sons for God as born again new creations in the Spirit. She will appear in stark contrast to the body of institutional Christian churches in demise that is going down as quickly as the birthing true church is coming out of it and going up. The wheat and the tares have been growing together for nearly two millennia in order not to destroy or lose one possible grain of wheat alive within the systems church. 


Just as the time came for God to close the door on Noah’s ark in His perfect timing before the judgment rained down, it is now time for God to again close the door on the institutions of Christianity, but not before He takes His own out and seals them from the coming judgment. What will be left are the tares as a shell of the institution, with lost sheep sitting in the pews under submission to false shepherds who have led them astray. They are as lost and as scattered as lost sheep can be, without a true Shepherd to lead them. They are being led to the edge of the precipice and about to go over. As the bride is taken out, these sheep, along with the rest of spiritual Egypt, shall experience the plagues. The only thing that can save them from the final and most deadly one is the blood on the doorpost. Unless the blood of Jesus is on the spiritual doorposts of their lives, they are as good as dead.


And what of our nation? Will Christianity save it? Not on your life. The institutions of Christianity have led to her demise with their silence, being one of the voices within the democratic processes of our government that has failed to exercise its right to be heard. One small voice as a political party in Canada is crying for the right actions to be followed, but under the wrong label, which is that of Christian. Our heritage is not this false system in our nation. Our heritage is the Law of Moses and the Bible as the source of truth for our judicial system, with God as the supreme ruler from sea to sea in the land. This is our Canadian heritage. To return our nation to something called Christianity would be to expose our children to a series of doctrines that can exclude Jesus, if they so choose. Look at our military chaplains. They have removed the speaking of the name of Jesus from our men who are the armies of the defenders of this nation. At the same time they are happy to share God’s supremacy in this country with Allah and Buddha, in prayer. They are even content to put on feathered headgear and join in pagan Indian war dances. They say that it is all in those lovely names of ‘multiculturalism’ and ‘inclusivity’, which means nothing more than multi-cultism and religious inclusivity for everything, except the name of Jesus. “It may offend,” they say, so we end up with some kind of a tasteless porridge called Christianity, a blend of religious nothingness, all over our faces.


Is our heritage Christianity? The nations of North America are unlike all the other nations in the world, for our heritage is that of Israel’s – the Law of Moses. Says James of the Bible, the Law of God is – (James 1:25) the perfect law of liberty. Liberty in America is a result of setting up God’s Law in the land by a people who were deeply committed to God’s Word. This is the heritage that they gave to us. They were the wheat of the institutional church that briefly surfaced in a puritanical form, which God pulled out of the East and brought to the West for this very purpose, to show liberty in His Law within a new separated world. Does Christianity have a voice today like the Puritans had? Hardly, for there is nothing but a deafening silence from the churches. The very separation, into which God took His people for the purpose of revealing His glory, is now falling back into unity with the East. The laws, under which the whole world wanted to live, as they poured out of other countries heading to America, escaping the persecution of empire-building nations in many cases, are being allowed to disintegrate. We no longer require our immigrants to accept our laws of liberty, rooted in the Mosaic Law, but instead we offer them rights, as they challenge the Law, before a liberal judiciary, which is slowly but surely eroding liberty in our land and replacing it with liberalism. 


There was a time, up until just recently, that we refused to allow anything to take away the teaching of the Bible and prayer from our children in the schools. Now, we tell our children that all gods are equal, and we will recognize other gods at the expense of our Supreme Ruler, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But then, why not, for most Christians don’t know who you are talking about when you refer to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? They think He belongs to Israel, or possibly the Palestinians. They are not quite sure. And who is Israel anyway, if it isn’t that troublesome nation, without which we would have a better world? “We would surely have peace in the Middle East without her”, can be heard whispered in the halls of our stone edifices called the Christian churches. “Have we not always kept the Jews in isolation from our good Christians in our good Christian clubs, etc? Did they not kill Jesus in the first place?” we self righteous Christians ask ourselves.  I wonder if the lofty Christian Institutional Church would get a bit of a shock to learn that the believer in Jesus is the true Jew?


What a foolish people Americans have become! It doesn’t matter how immoral they are, they say, “We are good. We are not terrorists. You stay in the East where you belong. It is okay for terrorism to come against Israel daily, and we believe ‘restraint’ is the word for her to adhere to, but how dare you attack America?” Blind, deaf and dumb animals that Americans are! Do you not know God is lifting His hand of protection from a people who no longer want God in their land? Oh yes, you cry out to God when the terror comes, but within weeks the churches are empty again and He is forgotten as they slip deeper into moral decay, and Christianity says, “It’s okay, we’ll join you. We’ll accept homosexuality; we even will ordain it. We’ll accept pornography; we’ll agree to give pornographers rights. We’ll accept filth on the television, being fed to our children, and we will say that the church must keep up with the times.” And what times are these, if not as they were in the days of Noah? Do we not smell the scent of judgment in the air that is coming upon the churches first, as Revelation clearly points out to us?


The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” It is time to get spiritually seated on the mercy seat of the ark of the covenant, for God is getting ready to take it the last part of its spiritual journey along the path. Christianity will never save you from the plagues that are about to come. Only the blood of Jesus on the doorpost will save the first-born, the new creation birthed of the Spirit, and the believer, the true Jews. “Come! Come out of her, my people, lest you go down with her!”


Hear My Words! Any Christian institutional church that remains politically correct in silence, regarding the keeping of the Law of God in the land and the Bible for the sake of saving tax exemption dollars, has no wheat in her, and is doomed to go down with the tares. The voice of the messenger can never remain silent regarding righteousness. It is the duty of the apostolic church to speak out and into the paganism of the world, and like the prophets, call nations back to God. It means speaking as a lobby and a voice to rulers, as did the prophets, before her. This is our pattern and principle of the Old Testament. We, the church, must put the precept into motion. The church is a voice to be heard in action, not a building with walls that keeps the message locked within it. It is the bride who uses her voice to call with the Spirit. It is the bride who will make the call as the voice for the true apostolic church, but not as the voice for Christianity.